I actually think you raised a lot of awesome points here, i full on hope they go with this. For campaign I would prefer a strong singleplayer element since i don't do much online so i would go with CO OP VR missions or even just the ability to drop into a game without having to affect the silgleplayer like LP2 did, i always believe both types of people should be pandered to in that regard, since multiplayer came in, the world of gaming is now split into two groups of people, the ones that like a solo experience and the ones that really love the social and team element so it would be probably ideal to pander to both in that regard.
Those are some relally good ideas though, pretyt much all agreed.
Yeah if they don't do a separate coop campaign, hopefully the main campaign is like how Halo did it prior to H5. Worked very well and if Capcom could bring back split-screen(which Halo 5 didn't have...) that would be the bees knees. As for EX Troopers, if you're really interested in playing it, I see it's pretty cheap on Amazon. Below $20 USD for new copies. It's a great game and apparently there's some guys at Gamefaqs that play it. Gogeta here on Capcomunity also plays, you can find him in the EX Troopers subforum. The singleplayer and coop is great. VS combat is kind of lacking but on-foot is very good. I didn't really enjoy the PVP though. The weapons feel unbalanced and the powerups are random which I didn't like.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
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Why thank you. I have seen Gogeta post aroud but i'm a pretty reserved person, I wouldn't want to bug him and be annoying. Thank you also for your thoughts on the game, I should really get around to importing, i haven't done much of that. I always found it amusing they turned LP into an anime shooter with a bubblegum pop soundtrack but hey, I love crazy. If LP4 went the same direction that would be really crazy.
Alpha Team, REPRESENT!
Why thank you. I have seen Gogeta post aroud but i'm a pretty reserved person, I wouldn't want to bug him and be annoying. Thank you also for your thoughts on the game, I should really get around to importing, i haven't done much of that.
I always found it amusing they turned LP into an anime shooter with a bubblegum pop soundtrack but hey, I love crazy. If LP4 went the same direction that would be really crazy.
Well if you want to do co-op in EXT I'm up for it just send me a message.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
Why thank you. I have seen Gogeta post aroud but i'm a pretty reserved person, I wouldn't want to bug him and be annoying. Thank you also for your thoughts on the game, I should really get around to importing, i haven't done much of that.
I always found it amusing they turned LP into an anime shooter with a bubblegum pop soundtrack but hey, I love crazy. If LP4 went the same direction that would be really crazy.
Well if you want to do co-op in EXT I'm up for it just send me a message.
I really need to get my PS3 shipped over so I can play some of my older games :( moving to the US was hard on my gaming life lol
That sucks dude 
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
I've been waitin' for Lost Planet news since last year, after Lost Planet 3's updates died down. I'm dying for a 4th game or a true 3rd game, lol, or even a localizing of E.X. Troopers, godammit, Capcom. :p I prefer the narrative focus of Extreme Condition & LP3, and many fans really liked the co-op play of LP2 so imo, Capcom should do a mix, like a story-driven campaign, revolving around a group of characters rather than 1, allowing 2-4 player co-op, on or offline. Sure that would bring comparisons to Gears of War, but the gameplay styles of the 2 shooters, are different enough for it not to matter as much. Also, weapon custimization wouldn't hurt, and I mean real customization, as in attachments, not just allowing weapon skin changes, that's boring. I'm glad Capcom are supposably returning Resident Evil to its horror roots, it didn't have to become their "balls to wall" shooter franchise, Lost Planet could be that. Please Capcom!
I prefer the narrative focus of Extreme Condition & LP3, and many fans really liked the co-op play of LP2 so imo, Capcom should do a mix, like a story-driven campaign, revolving around a group of characters rather than 1, allowing 2-4 player co-op, on or offline. Sure that would bring comparisons to Gears of War, but the gameplay styles of the 2 shooters, are different enough for it not to matter as much.
Yes, yes, yes, totally yes. This is exactly what i want from a new Lost Planet. Is it me or does it seem Lost Planet out of all of Capcom's IP's has the most potential? I feel it could be like the western version of Monster Hunter (Japanese sales wise) if Capcom ironed out some of the clunkiness in the gameplay from the first two games. I always felt like Lost Planet could be so much bigger than what it actually is but the mark is being missed. Lost Planet i always felt could be so much more which makes this situation a bit bothersome, in that regard. Planet of Akrid, all these different enviroments, mercs and soldiers, so much could be expanded upon it just needs a really big push. The first two games pracitcally sold themselves despite the steep difficulty curve of the first one. I really think Lost Planet needs it's bigger break. I can see so much pontetial in this franchise, i hope Capcom feels the same way when they look at the world and law of Lost Planet.
Alpha Team, REPRESENT!
The biggest flaw with the LP series isn't that it's not good. It lacked continuity in a direct connectionf or most gamers. I, for one, thought the series fantastic. Three was actually quite enjoyable had load screens not been as persistent as they were. My biggest complaint with the game(s)? They feel as if the multiplayer was only an added bonus. Sure I loved it. It was insanely fast paced, but in a day of age where competitive shooters run amuck, we need other titles, ones that allow for a unique quality and a drive to be something fresh. Personally? I'd love to see them release a reboot of sorts. Much the approach that DMC: Devil May Cry offered for fans wanting more action, more pow, and a bit more campaign. This is something that Lost Planet as a franchise could offer up with the current generation of consoles. I'd love to see them give the title a fast paced shooter that played at breakneck speeds as players zip across the map in robots are using their hooks. The idea of coopertive gameplay is even more promising thanks to the ease-of-access through next generation.
The issue Capcom will have? Selling such a title to the public. I really think to grab fans they'll have to go the graphical route of realism using the REVII Engine from E3 2016. If they go to that graphial approach? This game has a chance, I just hope it doesn't go FPS, and if it does? We get to customize our characters as we play so that we can make our character fit to our play style. God forbid we don't get a female character voice pack this time like LP2 had.
Hi Capcom. So now when you have Monster Hunter World ready, just add some snow, put Akrids instead of Monsters, give us Wayne&Co. back and we have Lost Planet World. Oh and don`t forget about VSs Thank You :)
I personally wouldn't be too surprised if the chance that some Lost Planet puns and cameos are going to appear in MH-World. For one notice, I do know the same "getting hit" sound is from Lost Planet, as well as when breaking off boss monsters' parts sounds like "armor destroyed" from LP2, and a certain background startosphere-high lurking monsters in Coral Highlands look like Akrid already if you're a sharp-eyed hunter who's been familiar both here and back in EDN-3. Well, that's what I think at least before the real thing is out, and maybe a solid chance of that too.