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Switch to Forum Live View Any news about Lost Planet 4 ?
5 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2015 - 10:55AM #11
Posts: 3

Sadly I couldn't get into LP3 after I heard it wasn't going to be on the MT Framework engine. I was a diehard for LP1 & I'd still argue that LP2 was the best title in its genre (3rd person sci-fi shooter) for that era amongst HEAVY competition from other series, like Gears of War.

Coincidentally, I felt the same way at the announcement of DMC when I heard it was going to be an Unreal Engine game.

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5 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2015 - 10:59AM #12
Posts: 3

Suffice it to say, If LP4 was going to resurrect the success of the first two chapters, I would hope that they would be built in-house on the glorious MT Framework 2.0 if its still used.

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5 years ago  ::  Feb 02, 2015 - 10:39AM #13
Posts: 378

Jan 29, 2015 -- 10:55AM, Spookimitsu wrote:

Sadly I couldn't get into LP3 after I heard it wasn't going to be on the MT Framework engine. I was a diehard for LP1 & I'd still argue that LP2 was the best title in its genre (3rd person sci-fi shooter) for that era amongst HEAVY competition from other series, like Gears of War.

Coincidentally, I felt the same way at the announcement of DMC when I heard it was going to be an Unreal Engine game.

I agree WHOLE-HEARTEDLY. Anyone with a pair of eyes can CLEARLY SEE LP2 had HEART & SOUL poured into it, and benefitted from it.

It is nearly the MOST underrated game in HISTORY!

And why?

Because a few high-profile reviewers were too stupid to avoid getting hit by a rocket  & getting knocked off in the train stage; One of the most well crafted stages in gaming history, that they would proceed to call the game's worst.


The game is a revolution of third person shooters, making them actually FUN, where the vast majority of them are just a duck & cover schlog-fest. 

People complain about the Ai partners. OF COURSE they don't act like people (Gee wilikers) they would beat the game for you and you'd just have to sit back. Should they bring you a drink from the refrigerator too. Might as well be a "Lets Play".

The Ai partners serve their purpose. They soak damage. The spread incoming damage among four bodies instead of 1 giving a single player the much needed time and room necessary to breathe and carry out the various objectives without having to scale back the number of enemies in-game per stage to the equivalent of a "ghost town".

It's beating a dead horse, but I just can't understand how some people think; And the scary thing is some of those people are in positions of power (gaming wise) and Capcom listens to their reviews.

Oh and don't bring up the story argument. I liked the way they LP2 story was told. It's a story about exploring and surving in a whole new frontier, so I liked that I got a snapshot of how that struggle is playing out across different regions. You have to infer alot but I'm fine with that. I'd also be fine if they gave more detail & left less to the imagination. Either is fine as long as I have an understanding of the overall premise of the game personally.

TBH though, being locked down into the perspective of ONE character in ONE region just isn't optimal for a series like this IMO.

Lost Planet 2 is a credit to the gaming form of entertainment...

So instead of beating up and having this lesser opinion of LP2, people would be better served to express how they think the experience of LP1 & 2 can be combined. 

Simply put, it's the best case scenario for LP4, should they make it...

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5 years ago  ::  Feb 07, 2015 - 12:45AM #14
Posts: 1

if capcom wants to make a LP4 they need to not put so much work in the story, most people play the muitlyplayer and they need to add akrid hunter back into the game because that was the biggest game mode in history for this game. and when i say that i dont mean come out with akrid survival like in LP3 

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5 years ago  ::  Feb 08, 2015 - 3:53PM #15
Posts: 23

I'm playing at the minute Metroid Prime Triology and it got me thinking. Damn Capcom need to take ideas from those games. Have a semi open world that tells you a story with little to no dialogue. Just you exploring the ice planet, caverns, hidden villages, anicent ruin. Add a huge load of lore, make it challenging, reward exploration

I'm going to cry now in this corner, and probably re install Lost Planet 1

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5 years ago  ::  May 24, 2015 - 1:39PM #16
Posts: 890

I retired my PS3 today and as I was boxing everything up I came across LP2. It's been awhile since I played or even thought about the game which is what led me here. Can you guys believe it's been over five years since LP2 came out? And even before that we were on these forums every single day for months before it came out. All that enthusiasm died with LP3. I can talk all day as to why I hated that game so I won't even go there.

Anyway, E3 is coming up so if there's another installment in the works then we might hear something about it soon. It doesn't seem too likely but one can hope. Laughing

PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)

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5 years ago  ::  Aug 24, 2015 - 10:17AM #17
Akif The Guxim DF
Posts: 1,076

I'm assuming the mixed reception of Lost Planet 3 compelled Capcom to put this series asleep, which means any news about Lost Planet 4 is unexpected at this point. 

Guxim is a masculine verb for 'courage' in Albanian. The DF stands for Diplomat Fikachu in my username.

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5 years ago  ::  Sep 02, 2015 - 5:01PM #18
Posts: 501

Well they've been remastering a bunch of games for the new gen.  Maybe they'll look at Lost Planet and if it sells well they might consider a new release.  Hopefully something closer to LP: EC and LP2.  >.=.>

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5 years ago  ::  Sep 02, 2015 - 10:12PM #19
Posts: 23

Gosh , or at least somebody make a spiritual successor. Seriously need another game in the veins of LP

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5 years ago  ::  Sep 03, 2015 - 1:15PM #20
Posts: 501

Wouldn't be the same without my Ex-NEVEC character but I'd dig it.

Keep on rollin'

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