Dear LP Fans,
I will try to be as brief...there is a lot to cover...
Gamer since early 80's on the Commodore 64.
Got heavily into games with Alone in the Dark and Monkey island on PC early 90's
Got into consoles and especially brought the first playstation for Resident Evil.
Lost 5 years of my life playing Lost Planet EC (& Colonies Edition) single player and late nights on multiplayer.
2 years on LP2 only because of those clowns reviewing it unfairly low and the online community dying because of this (I blame the reviewers). And the reviewers have the audacity to give a higher mark to LP3 which is only Lost planet in name and nothing else (I tried and i tried going back to it many times but there was nothing in it). I mean how much time did you have to initially waste trumping around in that big VS with all that hillbilly speech - come on call this a LP game (I know there was little or no involvement from the original developers - and reviews thought this trash was better...think?)
Please PLEASE make a proper lost planet game, we have the hardware power now. Continue it from the ending of Lost planet 2 which would be a logical progression (snow, glorious snow, large creatures, oh man oh man). Keep the mechanics and the feel same. Choose best of both worlds (LP1/LP2) especially the feel of the mechs and weapons (Please do not change the feel and movement of the player). I know balancing of weapons in LP2 was a challenge so perhaps reduce the number of each type and introduce a few techically innovative ones.
Say: reviewers, how can you slate a game where one type of grenade has an amazing affect on impact with another, what great physics to add to the gameplay and the cheek to score it as below average
Say:just look at a multiplayer video of LP1 with 16 players throwing all manner of weapons and grenades at each other - on screen, look at the melody it ensues
Say: We are awaiting patiently, and it has more then a cult following I assure you...
Say: Give us some news, a little hope, a little hint that its on the way (make a reboot of the existing two games if its going to take longer so we can get back online!!!)
Say: Please...