Group Officials
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Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
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A well made Lost Planet on new gen could have t...
on Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:01 PM CST
Replied to
Capcom® Gets Steamed
on Jul 7, 2019 @ 5:07 PM CDT
Lost Planet
Please help PC fans (LP2)
I'm sure anyone who's seen the Steam store page for this game recently is aware of the issue Capcom during it's sale had where they had sold out of it's stock of game keys for...
6 Replies
Lost Planet 2 backwards compatible for Xbox One please.
I suggest going here and vote for it to get BC. Microsoft is in charge of developing the emulator for all games. However, whoever owns the rights to the games gets final say....
6 Replies
Lost Planet 2 backwards compatible for Xbox One please.
Really wanting this to be made BC so I don't need to switch consoles for 1 game and would like to broadcast playing it.
6 Replies
Could this be Wayne?
thats not actually wayne if u look at joe in the first lost planet one and listen to his speech at the neos then you know who it is
17 Replies
Lost Planet HD collection petition
Managed to fix my Steam issue and petition is posted in both forums that you linked me to, hopefully people will be on board even though they are PC players so an HD collection...
7 Replies
Lost Planet HD collection petition
I see. I'm sorry that you went through that much trouble and got so little feedback, I imagine those places might be even less active than here. I think you had the right...
7 Replies
Lost Planet HD collection petition
I'm currently having issues with my steam account, email is no longer valid and not letting me sign in so once I get that all cleared up I will head straight there and post it....
7 Replies
Lost Planet HD collection petition
Where is "everywhere"?Capcom Unity is slow, not just the Lost Planet boards. Both of the Steam groups are probably the most active places for discussion and with hundreds of...
7 Replies
Lost Planet HD collection petition
Unfortunately I'm not getting much feedback on it, I've gotten 7 signatures and I've shared it everywhere it could be relevant. Shame, I guess people don't want it to happen as...
7 Replies
Lost Planet HD collection petition
I'd love a remastered collection for LP. Especially if they include all the LPEC exclusive characters and bring back cross-play. Perhaps Capcom could even try to convince Sony...
7 Replies