Really wanting this to be made BC so I don't need to switch consoles for 1 game and would like to broadcast playing it.
I suggest going here and vote for it to get BC. Microsoft is in charge of developing the emulator for all games. However, whoever owns the rights to the games gets final say. If anything, it's more likely that it'll get a remaster. AFAIK there aren't any Capcom BC titles only remasters.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
if your still playing i have a group on facebook thats tryin to goet lp1 games goin on the xbox 360 my gt: bloodsaphire eh
Finally! We can play lost planet on Xbox One.  www.gamespot.com/videos/four-new-backwar...
The only con is that you can't transfer your original data over, and you will have to use the Xbox 360 interface to invite your friends to games, which blows. Other than that everything is great!
Capcom and Lost Planet 4Ever
Tried using the XBL cloud saves? I don't have an Xbone anymore so I'm not sure if it'd work.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
Lost Planet 2 is a clear example of how co-op should be in inline gaming, it was ahead of it's time and still fresh. I don't know what the hell they were thinking of when someone in the board room thought that Lost Planet 3 was a great idea. Capcom x Spark practically took away all of the good things that made the original game, and LP2 successful, and left it completely empty, when they continued what they had and built on top of that.
Capcom and Lost Planet 4Ever