Unfortunately I'm not getting much feedback on it, I've gotten 7 signatures and I've shared it everywhere it could be relevant. Shame, I guess people don't want it to happen as badly as I do.
Where is "everywhere"?
Capcom Unity is slow, not just the Lost Planet boards. Both of the Steam groups are probably the most active places for discussion and with hundreds of players between them (over a hundred of the newest group). Did you try them?
Are you aware that people generally don't jump onto petitions unless they get a big push first?
In the case of video games, having a director or major staff member or related company acknowledge the petition or interest is a key step. That's why Rival Schools, a franchise with only one localised game, two games in total which are both PS1 only and no PSN presence for America or Europe blew the heck up with (DToid, Shoryuken, EventHub) articles and a hashtag. It was thanks to Itsuno showing interest in an interview.
People want more Lost Planet and statistically, there are more of us interested in more Lost Planet than most Capcom franchises but that doesn't mean that any petition will do well. You need to find a more creative method to generate our interest including press.
(I speak from experience when I say that you need creative methods which is why my (well I didn't start it, but yeah) E.X. Troopers thread is pretty slow. I'm not competent enough to make a Lost Planet or 3DS video which highlights reasons to play it.)
Too Long, Didn't Read
You didn't try Steam's most popular groups from what I can tell and petitions need a hook beyond something that people obviously want to see to make them feel like going to the page and signing it.
The best hook would be Kenji Oguro (director of LP1 + LP2, supervised E.X. Troopers and LP3 to some degree I believe) sharing interest in another game or a remaster/collection, but I imagine that Japanese press are more interested in asking him about Monster Hunter Stories as he is directing that game.
Even if you don't manage to get that kind of attention, having a slow build up of interest isn't a bad thing. Capcom have a lot of projects on-going at the moment and did just release a new Sengoku Basara game.