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Switch to Forum Live View Please help PC fans (LP2)
3 years ago  ::  Aug 30, 2017 - 2:12AM #1
Posts: 1
I'm sure anyone who's seen the Steam store page for this game recently is aware of the issue Capcom during it's sale had where they had sold out of it's stock of game keys for the DRM and online multiplayer system it uses called Games For Windows Live. On one hand, I feel like the sentiment that the PC fan base for this game has is that we're glad we're being acknowledged by Capcom enough to restock keys and continue selling copies of this game. On the other, this just looks like you guys want to make money off of a game that has features completely gone from it or is unplayable for some due to GFWL.

If you go to the comments of the two most recent posts you'll see an outcry of fans asking for the removal of GFWL and an implementation of Steamworks to make the game playable as it was at launch.

It's not lost on us that this game is coming up on being a decade old, but does that mean that it should be left to sit in the dust as a shell of itself? When more and more games entered the multiplayer sphere, did we just resign ourselves to not being able to play them with our friends years down the line? Do we just have to leave games to sit and fall into nonfunctioning obscurity because we want a multiplayer system at launch? Is that good for the brand of Lost Planet? Is that good for the brand of Capcom? Is that good for the future of video games?

The stock depletion of GFWL keys should have been a wake-up call. People still want to play this game, but people won't be as eager to buy it if they have to work around an outdated and dead DRM system to play it, especially when after their work they find that it's missing an entire game-mode.

I feel like we're just begging for something that won't ever happen and that deep down we kind of know it won't but to leave fans of the brand out in the dust is shameful and negligent.

Give us an official response. Prove to us that you hear us. Even if it's just to know why you can't implement Steamworks.
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3 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2017 - 12:33AM #2
Posts: 501

Been playing since 2007.  Lost Planet: Extreme Condition was my first Steam game.  I bought it on a whim, having never heard of it before.  Now the LP games are among my favorites, and I continue to play Lost Planet: Colonies and Lost Planet 2 to this day.  It's a real shame that Capcom has left these two titles to whither away with GFWL without so much as a comment on why there hasn't been a patch to remove it.

Keep on rollin'

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3 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2017 - 2:14AM #3
Posts: 1

I want to introduce my friends to Lost Planet 2, but it's extremely unconvincing for them whenever Games For Windows Live is brought up. It creates a lot of difficulty when attempting to get people into the game, because they have to make an account just for GFWL. It doesn't sound like much, but it's as low and tedious process especially with the DRM. I think it's an extremely poor system, and would definitely like to see it replaced. FromSoftware implemented Steamworks for Dark Souls, so I'd appreciate the same thing from Capcom for Lost Planet 2. I was really hoping that after the keys ran out, and people raised their voices on the Steam page for GFWL to be removed, that it would happen. But I only got to see them be ignored, and then continue to complain. This game also has many negative reviews because of GFWL, even if they are a fan or know that Lost Planet 2 is a very good game. Hopefully posting here gets Capcom's attention, since the Steam page does not.

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3 years ago  ::  Sep 01, 2017 - 6:14AM #4
Posts: 2

Please... I just wanna play, and would pay for it.. And it's not just me.

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3 years ago  ::  Sep 01, 2017 - 6:16AM #5
Posts: 2

I just wanna play it, please help.

I would pay for it, and it's not just me.

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3 years ago  ::  Sep 06, 2017 - 7:46PM #6
Posts: 1

I would love that, it would just bring content to a great game

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3 years ago  ::  Oct 13, 2017 - 4:22AM #7
Posts: 1

So, is it just me, or do none of the new steam keys actually work? The activation key I got from steam just straight up doesn't work, so I can't play the game that I bought. I found a workaround that lets me play offline, but I can't get online since the key I had been given was a dud. Does anyone have a fix for this?

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