Group Officials
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Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
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A well made Lost Planet on new gen could have t...
on Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:01 PM CST
Replied to
Capcom® Gets Steamed
on Jul 7, 2019 @ 5:07 PM CDT
Lost Planet
Any news about Lost Planet 4 ?
I am seeing quite a lot of people whining about how lost planet is in there, come on guys 1 and 2 were really fun.
53 Replies
Any news about Lost Planet 4 ? 29 Successful home video games along with a large volume of proprietary content, the key to horizontal growth ・“Resident...
53 Replies
If they do a Lost Planet 4
For all of you who doubt in Lost Planet future to page 29 and read by yourself or check it below :"Successful home video games...
17 Replies
If they do a Lost Planet 4
third-person view when using VS's. first-person view NEVER again.
17 Replies
If they do a Lost Planet 4
^^ at least i could still enjoy Akrid hunting mode and team deathmatches with few other peoples.I do think that giving no xp at all is a bit too few but i wouldn t really care
17 Replies
Pre-Orders For New Lost Planet Figures
Nice find Adam, I have been following these guy's facebook for the lastest information guys this one slipped by
2 Replies
Pre-Orders For New Lost Planet Figures
They look good to me :) i hoped to see some Akrid and Vs tho... that s what i d like to decorate my room, this or monsters from monster hunter...
2 Replies
If they do a Lost Planet 4
Both Operation Raccoon City and Lost Planet 3 had a great potential to compete with popular FPS and TPS, but their shortcomings doomed them. I wish Capcom would acknowledge that...
17 Replies