I'm still not convinced about buying this game, but I would definitely to hear more from someone that do likes it. From your POV:
-What are LP3's selling points? (graphics, multiplayer, solo campaign, story, etc.)
-What kind of genre/demographic is the game aimed at? (shooter, action, mecha, etc.)
Firstly I'll say that if you haven't purchased the game, then I doubt what I say will really help. BUT I'm happy to give you more input :)
LP3 Selling points:
1. Graphics - I found the game really pretty, which is weird considering the setting is pretty much all snow and ice. But the dev's have done a fantastic job breaking that up with beautiful vistas, and base areas. The game runs on the unreal 3 engine and utilises it to massive potential. I found the most of the character models detailed and top notch. I found it to be an overall pretty game, and I was able to play it all maxed out @ 5760x1080. I'm a graphic nut, and I'll be the first to admit that this isn't pushing the limits of hardware, but because the game is broken up into small/smaller segments, then all the areas you visit look good.
Let me put it this way - there hasn't been a game that I have taken more screenshots of then this one. :)
2. Multi-player - I'll keep this short, I haven't played any and that's purely because I don't really play much multiplayer. I bought this purely for the solo campaign. I couldn't even tell you what it about, because I haven't even looked into it. If I play multi, it's usually first person shooters, or maybe an MMO. Sorry.
3. Solo Campaign - This is Lost planet 3's bread and butter for me. If you didn't gather from my initial post that I loved the campaign, then I obviously didn't do my job. The dev's have done an honorable job is creating a relationship between Jim (main character) and his wife, throw very earnest video messages. It really tries hard to tell the story of a main away from his family. It's not perfect, and there are either missed opportunities with his son - but that could all be planned/part of the long term story. I think they tried to create a sense that Jim was attached to all the people at base etc - as he often said they were a second family - but I didn't really feel it. I'm not sure that was fleshed out enough.
You may or may not get frustrated like me with the QTEs and all the crouching to get to places. It's not game breaking - as the truth is in the fact that I didn't want to stop playing this game. Steam says I played for 19 hours, I would maybe take a few off that - as I explored needlessly. Most of the time main missions and side missions lead you to other secrets, you just have to look around a little.
I played on Normal, and it was a modest challenge - I could easily get away with Hard difficulty. I think there is a good balance of on-foot/in-mech play. The mech feels and plays great, with good response, but without that floatiness.
I honestly think the campaign was too short. I could have easily gone more hours and had relationships fleshed out a little more. I hope this game is a success, because I want another one.
4. Genre and audience - Genre is a 3rd person action game. It has cover mechanics and you shoot guns at things :) The AI I thought was pretty good, and found some alien creatures challenging. You can upgrade weapons and your mech. You can do side missions to get some different ammo for different guns. You are tasked with getting DNA samples from different species, and I actually found it fun, and it adds to the challenge of each fight. There is plenty of things to do and explore, and it can be done on foot or in a mech.
I think any fan of action based games will have fun with this game. The story is something that you can either invest in or not, that just comes down to what type of player you are. It's not intrusive enough for players that don't care about the story, to get frustrated - if gives you enough to become invested...if you want.
So there you have it mate. I had fun, and enjoyed my experience with the game. I also have a friend you finished before me and we both shared the same sentiments about everything overall. It's not perfect, but it's a great solid title, and for $40-50 bucks - I think it's great value. Plus you might get into the multi.