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Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
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Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
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Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
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A well made Lost Planet on new gen could have t...
on Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:01 PM CST
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Capcom® Gets Steamed
on Jul 7, 2019 @ 5:07 PM CDT
Lost Planet
Is Multiplayer Still Broken?
Well I have tried the multiplayer mode already, and I have to agree: the system is designed to give greater advantage to veterans over new players. The main problem is that...
1 Replies
Lost Planet Origins
As a follow up on my original post, I have tried the multiplayer mode of LP3, and given the scenario (NEVEC soldiers versus Snow Pirates) and the availability of Vital Suits,...
1 Replies
Really Digging The Utility Rig!
Been a while, but I just recently have finished the main campaign. In the process my UR got all sort of additional tools, which naturally ended up becoming quite for improvising...
1 Replies
Can't secure the moorings
I just found out that you have do keep tapping "F" on the PC. The instructions the game provide are wrong. It says to press w s a d tu turn the arm, but if you do, nothing...
2 Replies
Can't secure the moorings
Did you manage to get pass? I`m facing the exact same problem. I'm on PC. I can grab, but I cannot rotate the arm. I tried with keyboard and with joystick. Nono of them worked.
2 Replies
Really Digging The Utility Rig!
I have just finished the part of the story when you are asked to restore the comms dish and I want say that I'm loving the Utility Rig.I guess what I like the most about it is...
1 Replies
Lost Planet Origins
Probably a lost cause given the results of LP3 so far, but anyway, I wanted to propose to have "stripped down" version of LP3 for the PS Vita.Basically, what I mean with...
1 Replies
This game is a joke
The most ironic part of this comment is that Dead Space 3 flopped due to trying to push co-op and turning the franchise from terror into action shooter. By the way, I did liked...
8 Replies
Thread for complaints/glitches
There are many places in this game where people get stucked. Somebody reported that he couldn`t pass some point untill he switched to window mode. Try this, maybe it will help...
34 Replies
Thread for complaints/glitches
I'm playing Lost Planet 3 on PC. In the beginning during the servo test on the rig, I can't pass it. I get all the way to the drill arm test, where I have to drill and I drill...
34 Replies