Finally bought the game! However I would like to know if the multiplayer mode is still as broken as it supposedly was (last I heard, it was supposedly an unforgiving mode for noobs)?
Well I have tried the multiplayer mode already, and I have to agree: the system is designed to give greater advantage to veterans over new players. The main problem is that acquisition of Zenny is heavily based on performance in the matches, and veteran players have all sort of gimmicks that make things too one sided. For example, many high level players can install automatic turrets and leave proximity mines which a new player will have a very hard time dealing with.
At least RE:ORC did cut you some slack by allowing the campaign points and upgrade to also work in multiplayer. I certainly wish I could earn some zenny in the main campaign to finance at least some starting upgrades for the multiplayer mode.
On the other hand, I find ridiculous that if I paid for DLC maps, we can't use the maps if even one person hasn't bought them as well. DLC maps fragment player bases, just like it also happened with RE:ORC. Capcom needs to stop resorting to such tactics that will only provoke anger against them and destroy their multiplayer communities.
Take a look at the approach the guys behind Killzone Shadow Fall took:
The expansion packs and map packs covered by the Season Pass do not include maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall's built-in multiplayer mode... such maps will be released for free so as not to fragment the online community.
This is the kind of attitude that does benefits an online community in the long run and avoids fragmenting player bases.