This thread is for any issues with the game as in glitches that need to be fixed. Also any other issues you have with the game.
As for myself,I am excited to get it and have the other 2 already. :) My 14 year old daughter plays LP more than I do right now lol
Sony Gamer Advisory Panel/Proudly serving the video game community for over 18 years. :)
So I am playing lost planet 3 and I have been experiencing this horrible bug. The bug resets some of the "time" I've played. Like it will de-level me and reset some purchases I made every time I log in. If I get to level 31, next log in I will be 27. Then I made it to 45, and was brought down 41. I bought jim and he was locked next log in. I also bought Larouche and he is also locked on next log in. It almost seems like the more I don't play, the more I get reset. I havn't played for 3 days, I got on today and was sent back the most ever, 11 levels. I've looked around and saw some people experiencing the same on steam, but I am a xbox user.
Does Capcom know of this problem and are they working on it? I saw that they will look into it, but how far has that gotten? This is getting pretty ridiculous..
So I am playing lost planet 3 and I have been experiencing this horrible bug. The bug resets some of the "time" I've played. Like it will de-level me and reset some purchases I made every time I log in. If I get to level 31, next log in I will be 27. Then I made it to 45, and was brought down 41. I bought jim and he was locked next log in. I also bought Larouche and he is also locked on next log in. It almost seems like the more I don't play, the more I get reset. I havn't played for 3 days, I got on today and was sent back the most ever, 11 levels. I've looked around and saw some people experiencing the same on steam, but I am a xbox user.
Does Capcom know of this problem and are they working on it? I saw that they will look into it, but how far has that gotten? This is getting pretty ridiculous..
Yeah a lot of people are having this problem, i posted on this and the steam forums and on the steam forums Developer wbacon said "Per pinned thread, there's a fix already in the works which is currently being tested by the development team. It shouldn't be too long (hoping early next week, bearing any unforeseen issues) before we're able to roll out the patch.
The problem appears to be caused by dropped connections during online play, so the team has implemented a mechanism that polls the save state at regular intervals to allow the game to recover when it reestablishes connection to the session." So there should be a fix soon hopefully.
Add a mute function and show who is talking on the PC platform. Also maybe a notification function on PC when someone sends you a friend request.
i'm stuck at end of zebra station because the door repair prompt doesn't come up. (on both checkpoints)
Can someone add more than just country music, thats all Im asking for... sheesh
Pretty sure i just found out another way the reset happens, i was getting bored of my main MP account so i felt like making a new one, so i logged out of MP made a new account logged in played for a little, then logged back into my main MP account to play some more, but i guess logging into another account will reset your progess. This time i was around lvl 30, when i should be around 55+ from the amount of credits i have, i keep trying to give this game a shot but everytime i get reset it just gets harder and harder to keep playing it.
Does anyone else have trouble getting a multiplayer game started, or is it that not too many people are playing? If anyone would like to add me my GT is Kuzmaniac (xbox360)
I just got my LP3 on Steam, and i am playing the single player campaign, when i am up to do a research mission for Doc Roman, i get the construction RIG stuck when the mission is over.
When the objective is updated to "Investigate Mysterious Cave".
The RIG transforms back from extraction platform mode, but he cant walk, when i get out of him i cant get close to the rig legs.
Feels like the "Platform Mode" still there invisible.
And the weapon compartment still on the "platform" position.
I tried to close the game and re-open and restarted the computer as well , still not working.
Now i have played ALL OVER AGAIN (Deleted the save game to see what happen) and the problem still.
So, the conclusion is: I pay for the game so help me to fix this issue. Also a save game just after this point will be nice.... Thanks
WTH.. my Multiplayer GUNS AND LVL went POOF so not RIGHT :(