Hello everyone. I would like to hear your ideas if they do a Lost Planet 4. What would you like to see in the game, what weapons, vehicles, and mechs you would like to see. And would you like to see the main hero from Lost Planet 1 to return. Thanks again and take care.
For LP4, I would like to more and bigger mechanized armor suits and they can transform into vehicles like a Hummer, Lamborghini, motorcycles, and trucks. Give the players more powerful thermal energy that the players on heal themselves in battle that would be great. The monsters need to be bigger and bad including the final boss needs to be like 100 feet tall. The weapons need to more awesome and powerful like bigger chainguns and bigger rocket launchers. I also want to see more weapons like about M16A1/M203 Combo, Smith & Wesson Model 500, Hydra Sawed off shotgun, Benelli M3 Super 90. How about either duel wielding Beretta 92FS Inox Praiyachat Sword Cutlass Special and Beretta 90TWO with an extended magazine with the recoil capable of ultimate destruction on a massive scale sending the mechs and other monsters flying to the wall and out the window like a ragdoll. I have another idea for the players how about a powerful hollow point red bullets called Dragon Vent capable of annihilation and destruction against the monsters and mechs. The hero Wayne needs to return stronger and better than ever. Thank you Capcom and you are truly the best.
I want all the character abilities of Lp2. The mech controls of Lp1. All of the mechs and maps from Lp1 and 2. Matchmaking. Plus, I want this game made by Capcom in Japan!!!
daYuckyBirdBath, you have some amazing ideas for LP4 and I like those ideas. Thank you for your reply.
just remake the original with capcom japan
I want co-op mode, Character customization, Akrid hunting mode (where we can play as Akrid against other players, best mode ever! Should have been back in LP2) Maybe a covering system, just like in GTA (or other games using it) could be cool. Bigger maps to explore and travel, I liked jungle as much as i like landscapes covered with snow.So i would enjoy different landscapes. Do not make another LP like LP3 please. I sold my copy the same day i bought it :( (day 1) Maybe LP 3 is not that bad...but i was sooo sad to see what they did, it was miles away from any of my expectations. I hope they didn t killed the franchise.
- X-Box 360/One Gamertags : NOHIDAROH - Wii-U : NOHIDAROH_U
Let s hope it is not ^^ i have another request if we are lucky enough to get another one... Please think about making a voice for the female characters 
- X-Box 360/One Gamertags : NOHIDAROH - Wii-U : NOHIDAROH_U
I honestly do not think there should be a cover system, it takes way from the Lost Planet Gameplay. It makes the game feel generic.
LP1/LPC has the most beautiful gameplay ever. Just copy it and add new story.
We need a vastly improved matchmaking system -- preferably with support for dedicated servers. There needs to be the option to join and leave ongoing matches. Provide the option to fill vacant slots with AI players, like in Section8. They desperately need to catch up with traditional Western shooters in this regard. Too many people were able to use this as an excuse for not playing, and flock back to Gears of War and Call of Duty. Who can blame them? Time is precious. A primitive matchmaking system will easily kill a game's online participants, no matter how good it is. It's been discussed before, but Lost Planet is an insanely fun competitive TPS. If they made these improvements, the only reason left for the game not only being popular, but also getting the full "esports" treatment, would be sheer ignorance and stupidity. I would like to see this game broadcast someday at places like MLG, alongside Quake Live, CounterStrike, and StarCraft 2. I seriously believe Capcom has that kind of product on their hands, they just never knew it.