That's true, while playing my PS2 games, something I haven't done in quite some time, I was reminded of how games used to feel fulfilling just by themselves and you got out of it what you put into it. Achievements, though, by just existing put a whole new spin on the way I see and play games (360 ones). But I'll say this much, no 360 game has yet made me feel satisfied, even after 1000/1000 completion. I toiled away hours in Dragon Quest VIII, for example, and every minute was rewarding in some way peculiar way. Can't really explain except to say that there's really no love in 360 games. Cold and manufactured fun.
I don't know what the heck people are talking about when they say the 360 version is inferior. It's not. There is no difference in the gameplay, which is the only thing that matters. It plays the same on both consoles.
That's true, while playing my PS2 games, something I haven't done in quite some time, I was reminded of how games used to feel fulfilling just by themselves and you got out of it what you put into it. Achievements, though, by just existing put a whole new spin on the way I see and play games (360 ones). But I'll say this much, no 360 game has yet made me feel satisfied, even after 1000/1000 completion. I toiled away hours in Dragon Quest VIII, for example, and every minute was rewarding in some way peculiar way. Can't really explain except to say that there's really no love in 360 games. Cold and manufactured fun.
Wow. lol. That last bit was kinda scary. Cold and manufactured fun? Sounds like a heartless killing machine.
Some games reward you more than others. That's why I have a problem with people who cheat, because it's hard to believe they can get any real satisfaction out of it. Achievements, if not idiotic, can be fun and help you aim for goals you may not have realized existed otherwise. I think I was feeling the same way about Dragon Quest VIII. The game is fun and challenging. If it's as long as you say it is, I have a ways to go still. I bought a memory card adaptor so I can transfer my PS2 and PS1 saves to the PS3 onto the virtual cards as a way of storing my saves and leaving the cards for if I go somewhere. I saw Disgaea 2 at Wal-Mart. I'm probably gonna pick that up while they still have new ones for $30. Finding Disgaea will be harder besides ebay. And I dunno about some like Nomad Soul. I don't think that got reviewed too well. We shall see. I'm definantly going for God Hand when I pick up DMC4, though. Just so ya know, I can mix it up a little.
ss5gouki]I don't know what the heck people are talking about when they say the 360 version is inferior. It's not. There is no difference in the gameplay, which is the only thing that matters. It plays the same on both consoles.
Mostly PS3 or Sony fanboys say that. I'm just mess'n. Here's what I've seen and heard.
PS3 -No screen tearing. 360 has some. -Quicker load times. Not by much, but faster than 360. -Ice monsters....on PS3, looks like ice cuz you can see the transparency. On the 360, looks like white snow. Can't even see through their ice barriers. -OPINION: The playstation controller is better suited to this sort of game. I've played all three of the previous games on the PS2 and it just feels more natural. I can hold the R1 button no problem for locking. But the RB button on the 360 is a pain to hold.
Xbox 360 -Achievements
So the 360 version isn't really "inferior", it just has a few flaws that are non-existant in the PS3 version. Though, the ice monster effect isn't really a flaw, I just think if they're gonna be ice demons, they should look like ice, not snow. :D
Now, to be fair, I heard that some previewers/reviewers have witnessed "drops" with the six-axis once or twice during any given level. I don't know if that's just something the game does or if it's an issue with the hardware (the console and/or controller).
Anyway, I'm getting it for the PS3 even though I own a 360, too. Just, might as well keep it in the family wrote:
I don't know what the heck people are talking about when they say the 360 version is inferior. It's not. There is no difference in the gameplay, which is the only thing that matters. It plays the same on both consoles.[/quote] Mostly PS3 or Sony fanboys say that. I'm just mess'n. Here's what I've seen and heard.
PS3 -No screen tearing. 360 has some. -Quicker load times. Not by much, but faster than 360. -Ice monsters....on PS3, looks like ice cuz you can see the transparency. On the 360, looks like white snow. Can't even see through their ice barriers. -OPINION: The playstation controller is better suited to this sort of game. I've played all three of the previous games on the PS2 and it just feels more natural. I can hold the R1 button no problem for locking. But the RB button on the 360 is a pain to hold.
Xbox 360 -Achievements
So the 360 version isn't really "inferior", it just has a few flaws that are non-existant in the PS3 version. Though, the ice monster effect isn't really a flaw, I just think if they're gonna be ice demons, they should look like ice, not snow. :D
Now, to be fair, I heard that some previewers/reviewers have witnessed "drops" with the six-axis once or twice during any given level. I don't know if that's just something the game does or if it's an issue with the hardware (the console and/or controller).
Anyway, I'm getting it for the PS3 even though I own a 360, too. Just, might as well keep it in the family. :eek:
So the 360 version isn't really "inferior", it just has a few flaws that are non-existant in the PS3 version. Though, the ice monster effect isn't really a flaw, I just think if they're gonna be ice demons, they should look like ice, not snow. :D
my definition of inferior = a few flaws that are non-existant in the PS3 version
I think I was feeling the same way about Dragon Quest VIII. The game is fun and challenging. If it's as long as you say it is, I have a ways to go still.
Oh, it is that long, 80+ for my main runthrough.
Lucent85 wrote:
PS3 -Quicker load times. Not by much, but faster than 360. -OPINION: The playstation controller is better suited to this sort of game. I've played all three of the previous games on the PS2 and it just feels more natural. I can hold the R1 button no problem for locking. But the RB button on the 360 is a pain to hold.
I knew I forgot to mention something. There's a mandatory almost half-hour disk install for the PS3 version but unfortunately, like Heavenly Sword, doesn't seem to take away load times. I'll have to wait till both 360 and PS3 versions come out to take the call on load times but I really don't think the Xbox one will have that much longer loading. But I definitely agree about the controller. Probably because the PS3 sixaxis is less ergonomic, it really helps with a game like DMC.
half hour install ?.. how much room does it take up?
I think I heard 4 or 5 GB. Doesn't make sense to me why that's not an option. But both demos were running off the harddrive. lol.
Anyway, I'm mess'n around with DMC and DMC3 now that I was able to pull my old saves with the memory card adaptor. And oh lord, if DQ8 is really 80+, then yeah, I got almost another 60 to go. I only put in a little over 20 before getting lost because I'm in some town and I was getting my arse kicked by some tough baddies along the way. Random encounters in that game can be worse than a boss fight sometimes. I think I was running low on cash, too. :/
And oh lord, if DQ8 is really 80+, then yeah, I got almost another 60 to go. I only put in a little over 20 before getting lost because I'm in some town and I was getting my arse kicked by some tough baddies along the way. Random encounters in that game can be worse than a boss fight sometimes. I think I was running low on cash, too. :/
Yeah, DQ8 is the most accurate pauper-weak-loser simulation ever :D
As for install, there is no excuse for a MANDATORY install to still have so much loading. Folklore has an optional install that cuts loading by half. I definitely have higher expectations for ones that are forced. But now I'm wondering, what if every game starts doing a required install? Eventually you'll run out of space, then what? Delete and reinstall all the time?
Yeah, DQ8 is the most accurate pauper-weak-loser simulation ever :D
As for install, there is no excuse for a MANDATORY install to still have so much loading. Folklore has an optional install that cuts loading by half. I definitely have higher expectations for ones that are forced. But now I'm wondering, what if every game starts doing a required install? Eventually you'll run out of space, then what? Delete and reinstall all the time?
lol. It's not that I suck at DQ8, cuz I've been RPG'n for quite some time now, but this is kind of hard in the old-school kinda way. It's where choosing to run and sacrificing everyone's turn could be fatal. I actually kept a piece of paper to jot down all the exp I needed to level up each weapon for each character whenever I talked to that lady at the port so I would know what to focus on. I'm probably not doing it right as I just go with what's closest to leveling and then If I haven't seen her in awhile I just keep going for one thing until it levels. :rolleyes:
And yeah, there is no excuse for a mandatory install at all. It should be optional as a way of being an extra perk. I would not stand for all games to do this and make it become a trend. GTAIV, I could understand benefitting from this because previous titles suffered from such things as pop-up and bad draw distance. Yeah, most PS3s have more space than standard 360s do, but that doesn't mean we should be forced to use it all up on saving a game to it to decrease load times by a bit. I hope this is resolved.
I dont care if it games have mandatory install. ALL ps3s have HDs, and they are easily upgradeable.
Most if not all currently released PC games have manditory install... as long as the HD size support for the PS3 is in sync with the growing library of titles, i dont see any issue in this.
I would much rather have a better game experience if it means that the developers can create these games with manditory Hd support in mind.