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12 years ago  ::  Jan 28, 2008 - 8:56PM #2181
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

I think there was a definite shift in tone when MGS2 came out and even more in 3 where the games just took themselves too seriously but lost the balance between believability (within comic book like constraints) and absurdity. Twin Snakes really stood out with its panache of Matrix-like effects and it got worse in 2 & 3. It's like how the old Batman cartoon on Fox was awesome and how everything else after sucked or the same with the X-men cartoon in the early 90s.

And the problem with gameplay is just that it hasn't changed. The core of it seems so basic now. The original on PSOne was amazing for being revolutionary. The PS2 ones, not so much. But again, it's like Halo, you've got to have it cause it's a solid, popular, and critically-lauded series, though the games themselves really aren't that ground-breaking (though most people don't have a problem with hating on Halo, probably because of its bad Live image).

I guess. I still think me putting C4 under a pr0n magazine next to the edge of a mountain and watching as a soldier bent down to read it got blown off the mountain when I set it off was pretty revolutionary in its own right. <--was done in MGS3. :D

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 28, 2008 - 10:54PM #2182
Posts: 326

Lucent85 wrote:

I guess. I still think me putting C4 under a pr0n magazine next to the edge of a mountain and watching as a soldier bent down to read it got blown off the mountain when I set it off was pretty revolutionary in its own right. <--was done in MGS3. :D

So was the first online teabag in Halo :p Your point? People should be buying the Ico's of the world. Heck, even Capcom's God Hand and Okami deserved their spotlight but people would rather get the next DMC, MGS, FF, ad nauseum. Good games, sure, but nothing ground-breaking except in the matters of toilet humor.

Alright, off my soapbox. Played DMC4 today, didn't get very far since my friend had to take the debug away. No interesting enemies yet but it's early.

12 years ago  ::  Jan 28, 2008 - 11:39PM #2183
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

So was the first online teabag in Halo :p Your point? People should be buying the Ico's of the world. Heck, even Capcom's God Hand and Okami deserved their spotlight but people would rather get the next DMC, MGS, FF, ad nauseum. Good games, sure, but nothing ground-breaking except in the matters of toilet humor.

Alright, off my soapbox. Played DMC4 today, didn't get very far since my friend had to take the debug away. No interesting enemies yet but it's early.

Yeah, those games you mentioned are very underrated. I see how you mean that they are innovative in that they are fresh and new, but that doesn't mean I should go grab those and ignore the new games. MGS is not trying to be like Halo. They aren't like "OMG we're so awesome because we sell systems and are merely a generic verison of a genre and still somehow get away with being the biggest!". Hideo Kojima deserves his praise.

And yeah, the enemies in just about any game don't start off interesting. But trust me, there'll be a lot of *** to kick in DMC4.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 28, 2008 - 11:52PM #2184
Posts: 326

Lucent85 wrote:

Yeah, those games you mentioned are very underrated. I see how you mean that they are innovative in that they are fresh and new, but that doesn't mean I should go grab those and ignore the new games. MGS is not trying to be like Halo. They aren't like "OMG we're so awesome because we sell systems and are merely a generic verison of a genre and still somehow get away with being the biggest!". Hideo Kojima deserves his praise.

And yeah, the enemies in just about any game don't start off interesting. But trust me, there'll be a lot of *** to kick in DMC4.

Actually, Hideo Kojima's recent efforts really do seem as you've just put it there....2 and 3 refined what was a last-last gen game. I'd say Halo and MGS aren't that different in quality now. MGS1 and Halo 1 were fantastic, but the sequels grew bloated and became quite taken with themselves. MGS2 and 3 really took it out to left-field with its conspiracy knots that the general populace took for intelligence and intricacy. I suppose some might consider MGS as a 'smart' game just as some think Da Vinci Code is a 'smart' book. Nevertheless, it'll be fun to play, the fourth one, just as Halo 3 was fun.

Onto DMC, I've been trying to get those extend combos. I really can't wait now to try out all there is in the combat system. I've only gotten to one rev during a combo swing but that might be because I haven't upgraded my character yet. I'll try it in the demo tomorrow since he's got some abilities from the get-go.

12 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2008 - 1:07AM #2185
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Actually, Hideo Kojima's recent efforts really do seem as you've just put it there....2 and 3 refined what was a last-last gen game. I'd say Halo and MGS aren't that different in quality now. MGS1 and Halo 1 were fantastic, but the sequels grew bloated and became quite taken with themselves. MGS2 and 3 really took it out to left-field with its conspiracy knots that the general populace took for intelligence and intricacy. I suppose some might consider MGS as a 'smart' game just as some think Da Vinci Code is a 'smart' book. Nevertheless, it'll be fun to play, the fourth one, just as Halo 3 was fun.

Onto DMC, I've been trying to get those extend combos. I really can't wait now to try out all there is in the combat system. I've only gotten to one rev during a combo swing but that might be because I haven't upgraded my character yet. I'll try it in the demo tomorrow since he's got some abilities from the get-go.

What do ya mean "taken with themselves?" It's always been a weird game. Like anybody would believe there's an anorexic psychic and a big guy with a vulcan cannon who speaks with crows and all that other crap. I know the whole Liquid's arm is fused to Ocelot's body making him be two people is weird, but it's happened in movies so it's not much different. I've never seen MGS try to promote itself quite the same way Halo did. Drinks? Theaterical trailers in movies? Having its own slurpee drinks and cups at 7 Eleven? All that crap I've not seen MGS do. Just because Okami, Ico, and Godhand didn't do that (in the US) doesn't mean we should look at them a different way, though they are great games. I'm just saying that we shouldn't hate something simply because everybody is overhyping it or something. Just love it if its your cup of tea.

Anyway, so you've gotten to play the real version of DMC4? From your friend I guess then? Weird. And ****, you don't have even what you have in the demo at first? That's crazy.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2008 - 4:42AM #2186
Posts: 2,360
Wow, thanks for the sweet PS3 wallpaper! I did have one of the DMC4 wallpapers from the PS store, but I immediately replaced it with this and I don't know when it'll be replaced. I mean, this wallpaper basically says it all! lol. It helps show off my love for the company. BTW, where'd you get it? Please don't say you made it, cuz then I'd have to go cut myself. lol j/k. I would be shocked and feel that my artistic skills were crap in comparison, though. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I was watching some hilarious flash videos on and it's inspired me to try to work at flash some more. Which one did you say was good and more user friendly? I'm using it for animation purposes. :D

Speaking of which, I had some ideas. I'm sure some of you know that I've been wanting to bring my own anime series into realization, but I have yet to really get the hang of Flash and settling on an art style that works. Seeing as how I'd be doing the drawings, animation, and editing on my own, the art can't be TOO detailed or else I'd have to keep that consistant and it'd take forever to accomplish. I don't mind spending a lot of time on my projects as they're for fun and I take as much time as I need. If I did somehow create an awesome series I could probably get help making it better. Man, I dream too much. :rolleyes:

So, I was thinking, until I feel I'm good enough to take on that particular project, I'm gonna work on other things as practice. I was planning on doing the Gorillaz music video that never got made, which was called '5/4'. They have the animatics for it so I'd be basing most of the video off that. But I want that to turn out REALLY well, so that's also on the backburner. I prepose that I do some silly spoofs on games I like and stuff. Maybe even get some ideas from you guys on some good animations and, if ya want, provide voice work. I can only imagine getting a "cracka plz" and Fab's scarface impressions. lol. I dunno, just throwing that out there.

It's late, I wanna go to bed. It's almost 6am. lol. :eek:

I'm hoping we get some crazy moments like this in DMC4. I love this part. It's so rediculous it's cool.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2008 - 5:55AM #2187
Posts: 326

Lucent85 wrote:

What do ya mean "taken with themselves?" It's always been a weird game. Like anybody would believe there's an anorexic psychic and a big guy with a vulcan cannon who speaks with crows and all that other crap. I know the whole Liquid's arm is fused to Ocelot's body making him be two people is weird, but it's happened in movies so it's not much different. I've never seen MGS try to promote itself quite the same way Halo did. Drinks? Theaterical trailers in movies? Having its own slurpee drinks and cups at 7 Eleven? All that crap I've not seen MGS do. Just because Okami, Ico, and Godhand didn't do that (in the US) doesn't mean we should look at them a different way, though they are great games. I'm just saying that we shouldn't hate something simply because everybody is overhyping it or something. Just love it if its your cup of tea.

Anyway, so you've gotten to play the real version of DMC4? From your friend I guess then? Weird. And ****, you don't have even what you have in the demo at first? That's crazy.

Well that's marketing. My comments are directed solely towards the vibe each game gives off as I'm playing it. Did you get my Batman analogy? That's the best way for me to explain why I could suspend disbelief for Vulcan Raven but not for an immortal vampire-like villain. And I don't hate MGS, just don't really think it's the messiah either.

Yeah, I got to play some of it last night, skipped all the cutscenes of course. The demo is just a piece of the first few missions. Now the PS3 is gone since my friend has to go review it. Was thinking about getting the 360 version but if he's done with it in a week (he'll have to for the review), I might as well just play his pre-release code and save myself the money.

12 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2008 - 2:39PM #2188
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Well that's marketing. My comments are directed solely towards the vibe each game gives off as I'm playing it. Did you get my Batman analogy? That's the best way for me to explain why I could suspend disbelief for Vulcan Raven but not for an immortal vampire-like villain. And I don't hate MGS, just don't really think it's the messiah either.

Yeah, I got to play some of it last night, skipped all the cutscenes of course. The demo is just a piece of the first few missions. Now the PS3 is gone since my friend has to go review it. Was thinking about getting the 360 version but if he's done with it in a week (he'll have to for the review), I might as well just play his pre-release code and save myself the money.

Well, I never believe in it as the "messiah" either. It's not Final Fantasy VII. ;)

I just REALLY like the game. And I don't care about believability. That's why I play games. That's why I prefer MGS' way over a story like Call of Duty. How far can Call of Duty go when it's almost like playing something that actually happens? There's no way (at least not for a looooong time) that we're gonna have some legend go in and fight a huge mech. Nobody is going to take on someone's personality because they grafted someone's arm onto themselves.

So just to be done with it, I like the games I like for what they are. It has nothing to do what others think of it. I don't love Final Fantasy VII because everybody else does. I just think that it was an amazing game that brings back memories on how Square used to be really good at what they do. They're still good, just that now they're trying to add to the game with a more stylistic combat engine because people are complaining that it is always the same game and turn-based sucks blah blah blah. But as far as Halo goes, I really liked the first one. There was no online component to ruin it. Then they screwd up the 2nd one, which they admit was bad, and got such a crap online community going with all these kids screaming curse words to think they are cool. Just like bad rappers. Not all rappers that curse suck. It's just the ones who use it to fill almost the entire song. lol. That's why you got some of the smarter rappers like Del the Funkee Homosapien.

Anyway, dunno where that came from. But don't get DMC4 for the 360. 'Tis "inferior" as Fab would say. :D

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2008 - 5:04PM #2189
Posts: 326
Have to say it's hard returning the 360 (mine is VGA only) after seeing HDMI on the PS3...might get the 360 version for achievements, but maybe much later, after beating my friend's copy on the PS3.
12 years ago  ::  Jan 29, 2008 - 5:11PM #2190
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Have to say it's hard returning the 360 (mine is VGA only) after seeing HDMI on the PS3...might get the 360 version for achievements, but maybe much later, after beating my friend's copy on the PS3.

Yeah, my 360 is VGA only, too. And speaking of achievements, playing the PS3 is actually helping me forget about them. Yeah, they're fun, but they're nothing to get a game for. I've already decided I'm getting any big game that's multiplatform (like GTAIV) on the PS3. Lost Oddysey is the only thing I see me getting for the 360 for awhile.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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