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12 years ago  ::  Jan 30, 2008 - 7:39PM #2201
Posts: 326

fabrikator wrote:

I dont care if it games have mandatory install. ALL ps3s have HDs, and they are easily upgradeable.

Most if not all currently released PC games have manditory install... as long as the HD size support for the PS3 is in sync with the growing library of titles, i dont see any issue in this.

I would much rather have a better game experience if it means that the developers can create these games with manditory Hd support in mind.

KNow what i mean jellybean?

Well the issue here isn't that there's a mandatory install to improve game experience. The issue here is that there is something mandatory that does little to nothing to improve game experience. See the difference ;) And there's a reason why I'm not playing PC games but rather console games. You can't justify having to upgrade your harddrive. And if you want to upgrade drives, won't you need another harddrive to back up onto while you switch them?

Anyways, Lucent, I wasn't jesting at your DQ8 play style. I just meant that's just the way DQ has always been.

12 years ago  ::  Jan 30, 2008 - 9:21PM #2202
Posts: 920

hulot wrote:

Well the issue here isn't that there's a mandatory install to improve game experience. The issue here is that there is something mandatory that does little to nothing to improve game experience. See the difference ;) And there's a reason why I'm not playing PC games but rather console games. You can't justify having to upgrade your harddrive. And if you want to upgrade drives, won't you need another harddrive to back up onto while you switch them?

maybe its true in the case of DMC4.. but i guess time will tell if this also applies to most other games.

I just think that as video game consoles have evolved... so should the "Average" gamer's view of the cost + function = worth... does that make sense? lol...

What I mean is.. as each new console was released, they were always trying to push the evelope of current technology.. the pricing of the system was always in line of what the "Average" gamer was able to realistically obtain.. when we were young, they knew parents would be the number 1 source.. so they marketed accordingly. .. Now.. the average gamer is 30 yrs old. (or so ive read) so.. the average gamer is now working, maybe career oriented.. and may have somewhat of a disposible income... hence the higher launch pricing for the current gen of consoles... now with the record pricing of the ps3, and 360s.. the manufacters (sony & microsoft... Forget the Wii) know that most people have accepted this truth and can further push add-ons or upgrades, because people will infact, buy them.

.. so I just see "Requiring HD, or free HD space for that matter" as another "turbographix cd drive" or "sega's 32x" (even tho they were both crap, and failed) .. they are still just trying to push it further with current technology..... Because they know people will do it.

It will be intresting to see how far microsoft will take the dvd format in this current generation.. I think they, more than Sony will need to start making "HD required" games...some developers have already started running into problems with the limitations of DVD storage... so whats next?... HD DVD games? theres a next gen "32x" if I ever heard of one. LOL.... hell maybe they will come out with a blu-ray drive add-on when/if HD DVD dies. .. intresting to see if people will back that up.. Im sure microsoft knows this, and will see no other way to stay competitive in the near future than to force HD requirement....

Honestly I think that the release in timing of diffrent models /w HD and diffrent HD sizes was planned by each company.. planting seeds of HD acceptance lol...."heres a 20gb....ok now we have a 120.. youll need a 120 soon".. or sony's "heres a 60gb.... oh wait our system is too expensive.. heres a 40gb model for the brokeass... need an 80gb... no wait.. a 160gb... " etc etc...

LOL i duno if im making sense.. makes sense in my head. :p

Anyways apparently  when you upgrade the only thing you lose is your game saves.. You can hook up the other hd via usb if you have an external hd case.. but as far as transfering save games.. i duno if its possible..i guess you have to redownload anything youve bought and downloaded as well.

PSN : Fabrikator

Currently Playing:

PS3 - MGS4
PSP - MGS Peacewalker
Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
12 years ago  ::  Jan 30, 2008 - 9:34PM #2203
Posts: 920
Edit that.. I just read this... … 875,00.htm

apparently when you hook up an external device, or hd, you CAN move your save games.

PSN : Fabrikator

Currently Playing:

PS3 - MGS4
PSP - MGS Peacewalker
Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
12 years ago  ::  Jan 30, 2008 - 10:15PM #2204
Posts: 326
Of course I would love to see games that start taking advantage of the HDD but the issue right now isn't whether or not we're expected to upgrade but whether or not they realize that if more companies go with a 3-5 gb mandatory install, that the drive will fill up eventually to the point where one would have to delete a game's files in order to play another game (of course, just like on the PC). And you'll have to be honest here, did you go out to buy a console or a PC? Less features than a PC but with all the headaches of one?

I have a large collection of PS2 games but if each were to have an installation, even 80gb would have a hard time fitting them in there plus whatever else one would usually put on the drive (music, videos, etc). If an install shows no significant improvement in gameplay, why have it forced on you? And it's not about being salaried or what have, cost to worth always remains the same; just because one person is willing to spend more than he has to doesn't make the more frugal person a Luddite or miser.

Like you said, cost + function = worth. A mandatory install that show little function (multiply that by how ever many future titles that follow in this path) + the cost of upgrading drives every single time it gets filled up with these installs = not worth it.

And I believe that the 360 will not outlast the PS3. Not only was it released earlier but the technology just isn't there to futureproof it. Microsoft's fetishistic obsession with proprietary components and DRM is almost ludicrous now. It seems like an almost cart-based era business model and we all know what happened when the big N chose carts over discs. I think it's great that the drive is interchangeable in the PS3 and any generic cheap drive'll do. Like I've said in previous posts, in hardware, PS3 has already outstripped and flogged the 360, though if you count backwards compat fiends like myself, PS3 also has the best library on the market (60gb that is).
12 years ago  ::  Jan 30, 2008 - 11:11PM #2205
Posts: 920
well again... arguing the value of manditory HD install at this point is kind of hard... we cant really jump to that conclusion based on just one game... Obviously MMO games have already proven the need for an HD, but that is mostly due to updated content... Time WILL tell if the benifits in more traditional games will be worth it.

As for the PC like headaches.. I dont really agree with that.. the manditory requirement of a hard drive is far from the headaches in PC gaming... as all games for consoles are developed to run on the same hardware.

I think the  need to keep the entire library of games installed on your hard drive is not one of the top concerns to the manufacters... even on the current available 120gb drives.. if every game needed 5 gb of space (for arguments sake) you can still fit more than 20 titles installed... does the average person really go back and play all 20 of those titles regularly?.. by the time (if it happens) that every game will require install.. they will prob have 500+ gb drive available... you can already get a 250gb notebook drive u can use on the ps3.

the only reason I mention the cost, and salary thing is because this IS how large companies market thier products.. It would be nieve to think that Sony and Microsoft wouldnt have done the same... now is it ethical?.. is the question .. but since when were any of these companies into the buiness in providing what we NEED.. and not what we WANT... theyre still toys in a way....just that theyre Big boy toys now.
PSN : Fabrikator

Currently Playing:

PS3 - MGS4
PSP - MGS Peacewalker
Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
12 years ago  ::  Jan 31, 2008 - 12:41AM #2206
Posts: 2,360
lol suddenly our random discussion board is on a huge debate right now.

In other news, Snow's interwebz r n troubles.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 31, 2008 - 5:44PM #2207
Posts: 326

fabrikator wrote:

well again... arguing the value of manditory HD install at this point is kind of hard... we cant really jump to that conclusion based on just one game

Agreed, my first post on the matter was conjecture but it seems we've stretched this hypothetical situation to its limit.

fabrikator wrote:

the only reason I mention the cost, and salary thing is because this IS how large companies market thier products.. It would be nieve to think that Sony and Microsoft wouldnt have done the same... now is it ethical?.. is the question .. but since when were any of these companies into the buiness in providing what we NEED.. and not what we WANT... theyre still toys in a way....just that theyre Big boy toys now.

You know, I can really see this shift after having had the PS3 for a few weeks now. Sony is definitely doing as you've stated, and their target market is most definitely those with a higher disposable income and more particular in their audio-visual consumption but at the same time, they're still competing with the 360 which is still very much a console in every possible way. It'll be interesting to see how the market shift pans out and if, even though with a slow start, the Sony brand of consoles will produce another change in console business that'll leave Microsoft with an outdated style of hardware and market approach. So I was coming from a more console-oriented view where upgrades are not necessary, though perhaps offered, and it seems, at least with the PS3, a media-center mindset is more amicable to constant upgrading.

12 years ago  ::  Jan 31, 2008 - 10:58PM #2208
Posts: 2,360
PS2 did it. I think PS3 is following the same route. Both slow to start but are gonna be around for a long time.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Feb 01, 2008 - 5:47PM #2209
Posts: 920
And so it begins.... lol
PSN : Fabrikator

Currently Playing:

PS3 - MGS4
PSP - MGS Peacewalker
Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
12 years ago  ::  Feb 01, 2008 - 6:28PM #2210
Caspian Rho
Posts: 827
Sorry to hear about your Lost Planet guys!!

Have you tried behind the fridge???

That's where I always look when I loose something :D
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