So basically $80? That's a lot for a controller. lol. I'm probably just gonna wait it out.
meh whats an extra $20 dollars really?. to me its worth not having to wait 3 weeks.... its like...a 1/2 hour of work, or half my per-deim for one day LOL... ill just eat happy meal for lunch and itll even out :p
I really like the dmc4 demo.. its my first dmc, and i gotta say its really fun.. the combo system is nice. and the camera system is great.. its like classic japanese rpg camera.. North American developers please take note.
And did you get your PS3 hooked up yet Lucent? You needed an HDMI-DVI converter didn't you?
Yeah, I got my PS3 hooked up. Looks FANTASTIC! And no, I don't need an HDMI-DVI converter, because I ordered a cable that was one end HDMI and the other end DVI. HDMI into PS3 and DVI into monitor. Works. lol.
I downloaded 11 demos and they're still on there. Some trailers too. Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer is sooooooooooooo sick! Hideo Kojima never ceases to amaze me. His games are awesome! And I played the Folklore demo since you mentioned it. It's surprisingly cool. I just find the art direction and the style interesting. That hairy monster in the pub kinda creeps me out. lol! I picked to play as Ellen. I dunno why, she just looked good. XD But the combat seems like it COULD get repetitive and at the same time seems like it's something I could do until it ends. I heard it's only like 15 hours or something anyway with one character. But I think the dumbest thing is that I liked flicking the controller up to fish in the souls from the monsters I killed. It's simple, yet satisfying. I wouldn't go out and buy it now, but it's something I'll probably pick up if the price is right.
And as for the DMC4 demo, it rocks hard! lol. I definantly found it more fun than...ahem...Culdcept Saga. :rolleyes: But yeah, two different games, shouldn't compare. :D Yeah, CS is only $40, but DMC4 is just too sick so I can bare to throw down the $60 (or $80 in my case...CE) for it. I played the 360 and PS3 versions. While they look almost identicle, the PS3 version did seem brighter (I could see things easier..could be a setting) and the ice effects on the monsters were better. On the 360 version, their "shield-hands" were just white and so was the ice-shield they'd encase themselves in. You couldn't see through it either. But on the PS3, the "shield hands" looked like ice and the ice-shields did too in that transparent/reflecting kinda way and you could see the demon inside moving around. As far as controls go, the PS3 version feels better and more natural, as I've been playing DMC games since the 1st one. Holding R1 is nothing on the sixaxis, but on the 360 holding RB is kinda weird.
And as for the DMC4 demo, it rocks hard! lol. I definantly found it more fun than...ahem...Culdcept Saga. :rolleyes: But yeah, two different games, shouldn't compare. :D Yeah, CS is only $40, but DMC4 is just too sick so I can bare to throw down the $60 (or $80 in my case...CE) for it.
Of course I'm not serious about that. I probably won't get either at launch now that I've finally got Persona 3 in my hands, along with Valkyrie 2, Grim Grimoire, and a few more lengthy RPGs. Might pick up Lost Odyssey at launch, or not. Normally I'd be all over DMC since it is the next big game but a backlog of even better games is keeping me back. And I'll tell you one thing, Atlus games, especially the Shin Megami series, are expensive to get........
As a new comer to the DMC4 series, I had no idea what to expect... But I absolutely LOVED it with in the first 3 minutes! :D I love how powerful you feel, like even when you're getting the crap beat out of ya, you still feel like you are more powerful than any army of enemies. :cool: The graphics as well just seem so fine tuned, and crisp. I need to get it soon! I think I need to trade in some more stuff...
I traded in just about all I could bear parting with, so I could get some stuff for my PSP, and of course, as a Capcom Stalker I had to get a Capcom game. Monster Hunter 2: Freedom! That game is also wildly fantastic. I mean, I am literally still doing training quests, but the world just feels so vast even though I haven't ventured out of the main village/training area! So much attention to detail, the game is remarkably beautiful as well. I can already bet this game is going to suck hours of my time...
I feel like I have no need to buy any more games outside of Capcom for a while, as they have me completely occupied with some of the best games I have ever played. Besides the fact that we have arcade titles coming very soon too, and I have Lost Planet to play so I don't have withdrawal symptoms (360 and very soon PS3), Devil May Cry 4, and Monster Hunter 2: Freedom. With all those very soon or already out, they basically cover my favorite genres: Shooter, Action Adventure, RPG, Fighter, and Strategy.
Ok, enough of my "Capcom is teh pwnzors" rant. :D :cool: :rolleyes:
I feel like I have no need to buy any more games outside of Capcom for a while, as they have me completely occupied with some of the best games I have ever played. Besides the fact that we have arcade titles coming very soon too, and I have Lost Planet to play so I don't have withdrawal symptoms (360 and very soon PS3), Devil May Cry 4, and Monster Hunter 2: Freedom. With all those very soon or already out, they basically cover my favorite genres: Shooter, Action Adventure, RPG, Fighter, and Strategy.
Ok, enough of my "Capcom is teh pwnzors" rant. :D :cool: :rolleyes:
Very very true...The Metal Gear Solid series is just so amazing! It really set standards for the Playstation and was one of the first games to use the rumble feature to great effect. Then they got the power of the PS2 and Kojima was able to really show off his creativeness with MGS2 and MGS3. Now, MGS4 is on the PS3 and it looks like it's going to be the best looking game to come out on any system. Though, FFXIII and FFXIII Versus look like they could change that if their "White Engine" can really make their in-game graphics look at least as good as the graphics in the failure that is Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. I didn't think the movie was that bad, just didn't seem like Final Fantasy, though. But if they could achieve the graphics that they showed off with the FFVII tech demo, then holy crap!
Speaking of MGS4, play-asia has a MGS collection pack for the PS2 that has the previous 3 games in one pack. They don't say whether or not the first one is the playstation version or the gamecube remake.
And I'm wondering how I should get the most out of my PS2 games. I put in DMC3 and with the upscaling on it looked kinda fuzzy and weird. I put in Jak II and it was fine. It supported 16:9 and progressive scan anyway so it looked like it should. I did the upscaling thing with Dragon Quest VIII and had it at 16:9 and it looked really bad and pixelated. I turned off the upscaler and it looked smooth and beautiful. I guess I have to mess with it more.
Lastly, hulot, tell me how you like each of those games. I was thinking of trying all those anyway.
LOL! Sorry 'bout that. Just I saw that japan already got it and I'm envious. I still haven't bought or completed the first 2, so I guess I can wait anyway. I don't see the point in me buying the japanese version off of if I don't understand what's going on. Guess I have to wait for the translation. :(
Wait, you don't have either of the first two Disgaea's? For shame!:p What about Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, or the more recent Soul Nomad and a couple more NIS games? And GrimGrimoire seems to have been published by NIS but developed by the same guys who made Odin Sphere, which was put out by Atlus, Vanillaware. I'll definitely be watching out for those guys.
Right now I'm loving both of those Vanillaware games though the Japanese track in GrimGrimoire isn't synced to the voice animation but it's better than the always more flamboyant English dub. And they both look fantastic on my monitor, but most probably because they're in gorgeous vibrant 2D. I tried Shadow of the Colossus since I remembered it had progressive scan but it didn't look so hot; as you said with the games you tried, just a very fuzzy washed out look. Persona 3 looks nice as well but haven't had a chance to really start it. And good luck trying to get any of the Shin Megami games; if you see one in a store, snatch it up as they're $70+ (I've seen $100s) on eBay.
What do you mean by upscaler? There's the smoothing option and screen size one. Is there something else?
As for Metal Gear, the only good one was on the Playstation (NES one was pretty awful) and then Kojima lost his balance between arcade-like gameplay and comic book storytelling and made the pretentious Power Rangers-like 2 & 3 on the PS2. But it's one of those series that one has to get no matter what like Halo (that's why I have Substance and Subsistence sitting here) so you'll see me on the 4th, even though it looks like its few gameplay additions seem archaic for next-gen standards.
Wait, you don't have either of the first two Disgaea's? For shame!:p What about Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, or the more recent Soul Nomad and a couple more NIS games? And GrimGrimoire seems to have been published by NIS but developed by the same guys who made Odin Sphere, which was put out by Atlus, Vanillaware. I'll definitely be watching out for those guys.
No, I don't own any of their games...except the first Disgaea on the PSP. I plan to get some of those if not all. I love their games. Funny that Disgaea 2 seemed to fall in price much faster than Disgaea.
hulot]Right now I'm loving both of those Vanillaware games though the Japanese track in GrimGrimoire isn't synced to the voice animation but it's better than the always more flamboyant English dub. And they both look fantastic on my monitor, but most probably because they're in gorgeous vibrant 2D. I tried Shadow of the Colossus since I remembered it had progressive scan but it didn't look so hot wrote:
Right now I'm loving both of those Vanillaware games though the Japanese track in GrimGrimoire isn't synced to the voice animation but it's better than the always more flamboyant English dub. And they both look fantastic on my monitor, but most probably because they're in gorgeous vibrant 2D. I tried Shadow of the Colossus since I remembered it had progressive scan but it didn't look so hot; as you said with the games you tried, just a very fuzzy washed out look. Persona 3 looks nice as well but haven't had a chance to really start it. And good luck trying to get any of the Shin Megami games; if you see one in a store, snatch it up as they're $70+ (I've seen $100s) on eBay.
Yeah, I've been meaning to play Odin Sphere as it seems like a beautiful game and the 2D sprites are actually supposed to be really good looking even though they're bigger than usual. I'm just wondering how the gameplay holds out and the length. I may rent it tonight if they have it in when I stop by the rental store. And as far as Shin Megami games, I only played like an hour of Persona 2. Was kinda weird but cool. I thought the Digital Devil Saga looked interesting and I love the art style. Dante actually appeared in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne because that guy did the designs for Dante's and Vergil's devil trigger forms in Devil May Cry 3. Persona 3 looks intersting though because I guess during the day you just do stuff in school but then at night you go in a tower/dungeon thing and kill stuff. lol.
hulot]What do you mean by upscaler? There's the smoothing option and screen size one. Is there something else?
Well, when you go to settings on you PS3's XMB, you can go to the game settings. It lets you chose if you want the upscaler for the PS/PS2 games to be on or off. So you can have it off, have it "normal" or have it "fit screen". Some games look fine with it on and some look better with it off. Smoothing has never really been that great a feature. I never really used it on the PS2 either.
What do you mean by upscaler? There's the smoothing option and screen size one. Is there something else?[/quote] Well, when you go to settings on you PS3's XMB, you can go to the game settings. It lets you chose if you want the upscaler for the PS/PS2 games to be on or off. So you can have it off, have it "normal" or have it "fit screen". Some games look fine with it on and some look better with it off. Smoothing has never really been that great a feature. I never really used it on the PS2 either.
hulot]As for Metal Gear, the only good one was on the Playstation (NES one was pretty awful) and then Kojima lost his balance between arcade-like gameplay and comic book storytelling and made the pretentious Power Rangers-like 2 & 3 on the PS2. But it's one of those series that one has to get no matter what like Halo (that's why I have Substance and Subsistence sitting here) so you'll see me on the 4th, even though it looks like its few gameplay additions seem archaic for next-gen standards.
I don't really understand what you mean by "pretentious Power Rangers-like". MGS2 and MGS3 seem to be like the MGS only with more graphical flare and all that. You don't think he would've done the same thing to the first one if he could? The gameplay was still pretty much the same only with the addition of a FPS-like aim if you wanted, among other wrote:
As for Metal Gear, the only good one was on the Playstation (NES one was pretty awful) and then Kojima lost his balance between arcade-like gameplay and comic book storytelling and made the pretentious Power Rangers-like 2 & 3 on the PS2. But it's one of those series that one has to get no matter what like Halo (that's why I have Substance and Subsistence sitting here) so you'll see me on the 4th, even though it looks like its few gameplay additions seem archaic for next-gen standards.[/quote] I don't really understand what you mean by "pretentious Power Rangers-like". MGS2 and MGS3 seem to be like the MGS only with more graphical flare and all that. You don't think he would've done the same thing to the first one if he could? The gameplay was still pretty much the same only with the addition of a FPS-like aim if you wanted, among other things.
So the upscaling itself is behind the scenes. The only options are for full size (which stretches and doesn't keep the aspect ratio unless you change in-game settings to 16:9) and smoothing.
Lucent85 wrote:
I don't really understand what you mean by "pretentious Power Rangers-like". MGS2 and MGS3 seem to be like the MGS only with more graphical flare and all that. You don't think he would've done the same thing to the first one if he could? The gameplay was still pretty much the same only with the addition of a FPS-like aim if you wanted, among other things.
I think there was a definite shift in tone when MGS2 came out and even more in 3 where the games just took themselves too seriously but lost the balance between believability (within comic book like constraints) and absurdity. Twin Snakes really stood out with its panache of Matrix-like effects and it got worse in 2 & 3. It's like how the old Batman cartoon on Fox was awesome and how everything else after sucked or the same with the X-men cartoon in the early 90s.
And the problem with gameplay is just that it hasn't changed. The core of it seems so basic now. The original on PSOne was amazing for being revolutionary. The PS2 ones, not so much. But again, it's like Halo, you've got to have it cause it's a solid, popular, and critically-lauded series, though the games themselves really aren't that ground-breaking (though most people don't have a problem with hating on Halo, probably because of its bad Live image).