where did you see something about the desert map?
where did you see something about the desert map? We have videos on this forum that shows all four maps, the new missile launcher, new animations, the new energy grenade, and most of the new game modes.
I want to see the hand cannon in action because it sounds bad-***. '
While playing the PS3 version yesterday I ran into two spots on Battleground and Lost Coast for that "kill the egg carrier" game that would be unfair to use because of how good they are.
You know why it didn't go platinum on the PS3 or PC? Because they were terrible Are you kidding me? Did you play the PC version and if yes did you play it on a decent PC?
It was pretty amazing to me and visually stunning with the extra DX10 stuff runnng at 1920x1200 very smoothly, using my 360 controller it was more like playing on a 720 :). just a bit better than it looked on the 360 thats for sure!
Look at it this way, atleast you'll get to see Colonies as it's meant to be if you're able to get to a friends that has a good PC.
This is gonna be so awesome. has anyone seen the desert map? it looks cool. very cool:cool: . can't wait to see the space station map. i have high hopes. the inclusion of the two handguns seems to be so you can still shoot while carrying the egg:D . i spotted one of the robot characters on the teaser at the lp website, cool. very cool.
I'm sure Capcom in there infinite wisdom will release it on ps3 after awhile....afterall it only just came out on ps3. perhaps once the original drops to a lower price point. at any rate ps3 users don't despair
and another thing why are people complaining about not being able to use data saves from EC. think about it would suck if you got like 4 achievements and all you did was put a new disc in.
i think cross platform play is awesome and is ultimately where everything will head.
imagine how cool it would be for everyone to be able to play, say lost planet 2 in one big online battle....ps3, 360, and pc users together. it would unify the fanbase.. yeah yeah i know sony and M$ are different opposaing companies, blah blah blah. but it would be cool:cool: idc if capcom releases it on ps3 later. we all know how that works out. im just mad that the pc version people have to pay for live, the ps3 is getting screwed in many different ways and i really don't even care that you will have to start new data. idc about ranks because really the ranks can't go down they only go up and for the most part the people that play the most have the higher ranks. so i guess you can say haha i am lvl 99 i have no life. its just the fact that lots of people can't even play the game and many of them had their hopes up just to get let down. the game itself is no doubt an improvement in every way but the fact that ps3 owners can't get it and pc players have to pay for live is a big downside. besides those 2 things colonies looks great. i just wish i could be able to play it but im not.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
Are you kidding me? Did you play the PC version and if yes did you play it on a decent PC?
It was pretty amazing to me and visually stunning with the extra DX10 stuff runnng at 1920x1200 very smoothly, using my 360 controller it was more like playing on a 720 :). just a bit better than it looked on the 360 thats for sure!
Look at it this way, atleast you'll get to see Colonies as it's meant to be if you're able to get to a friends that has a good PC. yes the pc version had much better graphics but at first it had some bugs and it lacks a chat system. and the fact that they left all the 360 buttons everywhere makes it seem kinda tacky. i think capcom was expecting lots of people to use 360 controllers for it but it would have been nice to have an option for it. then the aiming wasn't as good as the 360s and ps3s but i could see how it would be hard to aim with a keyboard with that style. i wouldn't call it terrible but i wouldn't say it was perfect either.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
A lot of you people have no idea what it's like in the gaming industry. This new version of Lost Planet is going to have it's own set of Achievements (not the ones from LP:EC). Most of them are multiplayer based, some are based on the new campaign mode types. Because of this, a re-release is issued.....hence the reason that nobody's save file/achievements/mp rank carries over. It's practically a new game for the system itself. It'll read the disc as if it's a brand new game (it's a file or set of files called an "IPL" on the disc). Don't get me wrong...I did my bitching (for all of 30 seconds) when I found out that the PC and PoS3 versions of LP had Frank, Mega Man, and Joe models for multiplayer. Not to mention the new camera angles and the other bells and whistles. I own Lost Planet and I love the holy hell out of it....but when LP:Colonies comes out, I'll pick it up first day and love the hell out of that. Remember.....nobody at Capcom has a gun to your heads and is forcing you to buy this version. This is for a new crop of players and diehard fans.
As i haven't had a great response to my recent thread about the possibility of a clan system in colonies, i would just like to say that i WILL NOT buy Colonies if it doesn't include the option for me to play on the same team as my friends in ranked matches.
As i haven't had a great response to my recent thread about the possibility of a clan system in colonies, i would just like to say that i WILL NOT buy Colonies if it doesn't include the option for me to play on the same team as my friends in ranked matches. That would be stupid, you would have a stacked team and get tons of kills against random people.
It would mess up leaderboards and not be fair.
If you wanna play for fun + friends = player match.
pc version only has ranked games. it combines the player matches and ranked matches into one. so you can play with your friends in ranked games. i like that system much better.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
Who cares what console it comes out to ? A Lost Planet lover would buy a brand new console just to play the definite version of the game.
That aside... This game will ROCK SOME ****!!
The cover sucks though, why does capcom do that ? Putting out the old cover ?