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Sticky: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition Fact Sheet
12 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2008 - 11:01PM #21
Posts: 594

ShadowKoneko wrote:

There is absalutely no reason for game data to not be able to be reused, ESPECIALLY the multiplayer Ranks.

And theres absalutely no way I will EVER buy a 360, and if I got one for free, I would never pay for live. And theres many others on this forum who agree, and even a good bit who SOLD Their 360 as soon as LP was available for PS3.

C'mon man, now you are being just silly. Old multiplayer ranks wouldn't have taken the new multiplayer game modes into account, so someone who used to be good at the game might suck because of a rebalance or new gamemode.

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2008 - 11:12PM #22
Posts: 187
Well lets use another good third person shooter which I have mentioned before.
Warhawk has released game changing content before too, and still are, from whole new weapons and vehicles, to point redesigns. Yet they dont remove your rank or anything either. They also offer new skins and such later on with their expansions, and if you have the rank for it, well you got some new skins ready and available already.

Who cares if theres new medals and acheivements with the new Multiplayer modes, that doesnt mean a reset in rank should be done. They can still play those modes and gain the medals and acheivements from them.
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2008 - 11:23PM #23
Posts: 265
Dude, shut up already. :) Yes, it sucks we cant use our save data and ranks from the previous version of LP with Colonies.

Oh well!

You'll always have your data and rank saved for the original version, it's not like you'll ever lose that. Do you really need your double digit number in order to be good at the game and have fun?
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2008 - 11:25PM #24
Posts: 187

Goufunaki wrote:

Dude, shut up already. :) Yes, it sucks we cant use our save data and ranks from the previous version of LP with Colonies.

Oh well!

You'll always have your data and rank saved for the original version, it's not like you'll ever lose that. Do you really need your double digit number in order to be good at the game and have fun?

Thats just the lesser of all the problems they done with this though. :P
And yes, I do have fun but dangit, I personally want my rank because I want my Character I like, not have to take a few weeks to get it back. Its an accomplishment that was taken away. Who the hell would play LP regular when you can play that? If you can play the new one that is....

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 14, 2008 - 12:01AM #25
Posts: 2,360

lbron07 wrote:

Did Lost Planet go Platinum on the PC or PS3? No!

Lost Planet got it's majority of popularity, and everything from the 360! So why do you think they are favoring the 360?

Because that's what started it!

But the PC is getting Colonies, too. Now what?

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 14, 2008 - 12:05AM #26
Posts: 2,360

lbron07 wrote:

1) Oh no! I don't have my ranks!!!!! I think I'll have to play more and get it again!
2) So PC should get exact same lobby and game as 360...but for free? No.
3) It's their fault they bought it on PS3 assuming a sequel was going to happen.

If you hate it so much...then stick to the first version...oh wait, there won't be anybody on it...hmm...maybe we're getting to something!

I wish that upon you for not carying about my PS3. :)

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 14, 2008 - 12:05AM #27
Posts: 2,360

lbron07 wrote:

1) Oh no! I don't have my ranks!!!!! I think I'll have to play more and get it again!
2) So PC should get exact same lobby and game as 360...but for free? No.
3) It's their fault they bought it on PS3 assuming a sequel was going to happen.

If you hate it so much...then stick to the first version...oh wait, there won't be anybody on it...hmm...maybe we're getting to something!

I wish that upon you for not careing about my PS3. :)

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 14, 2008 - 12:06AM #28
Posts: 187

Lucent85 wrote:

I wish that upon you for not carying about my PS3. :)

~falls over laughing~

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 14, 2008 - 12:52AM #29
Posts: 265

ShadowKoneko wrote:

~falls over laughing~

keep laughing.

Everyone else will be playing Colonies. :)

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 14, 2008 - 1:42AM #30
Dr Klowneus
Posts: 206
This is gonna be so awesome. has anyone seen the desert map? it looks cool. very cool:cool: . can't wait to see the space station map. i have high hopes. the inclusion of the two handguns seems to be so you can still shoot while carrying the egg:D . i spotted one of the robot characters on the teaser at the lp website, cool. very cool.

I'm sure Capcom in there infinite wisdom will release it on ps3 after awhile....afterall it only just came out on ps3. perhaps once the original drops to a lower price point. at any rate ps3 users don't despair

and another thing why are people complaining about not being able to use data saves from EC. think about it would suck if you got like 4 achievements and all you did was put a new disc in.

i think cross platform play is awesome and is ultimately where everything will head.

imagine how cool it would be for everyone to be able to play, say lost planet 2 in one big online battle....ps3, 360, and pc users together. it would unify the fanbase.. yeah yeah i know sony and M$ are different opposaing companies, blah blah blah. but it would be cool:cool:
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