"Starting a taunt animation during a reload shortened the reload time as an exploit - Fixed"
lol! I didn't even know about this one. :eek:
Anyway, those are some awesome fixes. It'll make this game a lot better and all those people can stop complaining about problems in the game.
Now if only we could get a fix where Lucent85 is the only player in the world who starts off matches in a Hardballer. lol! That'd be so hilarious. :D "Starting a taunt animation during a reload shortened the reload time as an exploit - Fixed"
That was new to me also. I wonder how many people are going to exploit that one during the next month. LOL!
I just noticed one fix that some won't be happy about - "• In Team Elimination, Post Grab and Fugitive modes, an indicator will be added next to the Gamertag of the person who is speaking." People don't want to see who's talking in Fugitive matches, because that could foil a possible plan by the Fugitive to get the enemy off their backs.
I just noticed one fix that some won't be happy about - "• In Team Elimination, Post Grab and Fugitive modes, an indicator will be added next to the Gamertag of the person who is speaking." People don't want to see who's talking in Fugitive matches, because that could foil a possible plan by the Fugitive to get the enemy off their backs. Fugitive is kind of lame as is now anyway. And besides, if anybody is paying attention in the pre-game lobby, you can see all who is talking. If the host is running his mouth, you're gonna know who it is anyway. Same goes for all the other players.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
I don't see anything listed about clan support. Has clan support been put on the back burner? If so I might start a ladder for LP.
Even if there will not be clan support with this update/patch I am still very happy to see the fixes and additions that Capcom has done. It shows that They are being very attentive to what the players are saying about the game.
I really like being able to see who is talking. Know I will know who is taking it too far on the mics (now if only the host could boot the person).