I don't know if this has been covered yet but I has a few questions about the setup of teams. Are the teams decided based on the level system and setup to even out the levels? Also, I was wondering if there were any plans to change the team selection. It would be nice if you had a say in what team you were being put on. If you could pick your team while waiting for the game to start in the lobby like in F.E.A.R or GRAW. Allow people to pick the team they want to be on and just put something in so the teams would not be stacked to one side.
In Player matches, the host can set team changing to on, in which case players are allowed to change teams. This isn't available in Ranked.
I know that you can choose your team in Player matches but I, along with alot of people I play with, think that it would be better if you pick in ranked as well, kinda like most other online shooters.
No way dood, please don't suggest we should pick teams in Multiplayer. I was pleasantly surprised when they made the search feature in this game so good. I was thinking, wow, it will be very easy to play ranked with friends. And then the random match-ups. Killer. It makes it so I could play with 4 or 5 friends in a game, but then we don't have to deal with the stackers that you have in GoW and other games.
I still prefer the Halo2 matchmaking most, with it's party system, but this is a very close second to that.
Why shouldn't there be an optimatch, where the Capcom server takes place as a dedicated host. Why shouldn't there be a reduced timer on the respawn and "Shield"? I'm just curious, this update came out about a month after the release of the game onto japanese shelves, and I was curious, when will there be the option of limiting players in ranked matches? When will Pings be shown, and will there be an icon showing who's talking in-game?
Someone mentioned new weapons and new maps. I wanted to know who. By the way, the GT is DarkOps ViperX. I'm generally on after five o'clock GMT -5:00 and I generally host matches in the training facility and dilapidation on some form of elimination. Occasionally I host a rocket match on frozen wasteland, and other times I will host a PLSM Gun match on Canyon 810.
What new weapons and maps do you suppose Capcom will release? An energy machine gun?
Today we will have news of a new patch to be released soon. It addresses a lot of the issues and requests raised, and some that haven't been raised.
Today we will have news of a new patch to be released soon. It addresses a lot of the issues and requests raised, and some that haven't been raised. http://www.videogame-news.com/2007/02/0 … bug-fixes/
Here. :)
The announcement was released in Europe "today," which is half a day ahead of us. The official US announcement hasn't been made yet. But yes, that's what it is.
"Starting a taunt animation during a reload shortened the reload time as an exploit - Fixed"
lol! I didn't even know about this one. :eek:
Anyway, those are some awesome fixes. It'll make this game a lot better and all those people can stop complaining about problems in the game.
Now if only we could get a fix where Lucent85 is the only player in the world who starts off matches in a Hardballer. lol! That'd be so hilarious. :D
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Now if only we could get a fix where Lucent85 is the only player in the world who starts off matches in a Hardballer. lol! That'd be so hilarious. :D dear god....
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter