I'm happy that all this is being added to the final version. I still, however, would've liked the names in Elimination and Fugitive to be toggled. I really don't need a million names across the screen regardless of what I'm playing.
I would also like to know how we would go about clan type stuff. Like how would we go about taking on other teams. I know one member of the clan could make a match and then make Private Slots for the participating members of his clan, but how would we get the members from the opposing clan in there?
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Ok... some new details that have changed even from the patch plans above. I'm in Osaka at the moment and just finished a brief meeting with the team.
As some people have requested around the net today following the above announcements, the previously announced "refresh button" for the server list will be removed. There's now no need to manually refresh as the system will dynamically refresh the server list every 5 or 6 seconds.
Lastly, it bears reiterating as there seems to be some confusion, that many of these features that are used to more easily arrange games, teams, etc. are expressly for “player matches” not “ranked matches”. Ranked matches will still have to be randomly/trueskill arranged to keep people from trading wins/throwing matches to inflate their friends' rank.
I also want to clarify, timing for the patch will be just before the US/European launch. So US and European players will receive a patch the first time they put in their disc (just like Gears did).
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
Thank you Capcom for all the hard work your putting into this game. All I can say is wow.
Also having 4 teams is going to be fun and crazy. Without a doubt I'm looking foward into early next year. ;)
Lastly, it bears reiterating as there seems to be some confusion, that many of these features that are used to more easily arrange games, teams, etc. are expressly for “player matches” not “ranked matches”. Ranked matches will still have to be randomly/trueskill arranged to keep people from trading wins/throwing matches to inflate their friends' rank. . When I choose a ranked match is the game going to automatically choose a room for me? Will I still be able to set certain criteria(like playing with FF off) when choosing a ranked game? Can I rematch the host on a ranked server? Will you have the option of 1-4 teams in a ranked game. Is clan support the only way to play with friends in a ranked environment? Is that something you plan on supporting.
Lastly, it bears reiterating as there seems to be some confusion, that many of these features that are used to more easily arrange games, teams, etc. are expressly for “player matches” not “ranked matches”. Ranked matches will still have to be randomly/trueskill arranged to keep people from trading wins/throwing matches to inflate their friends' rank. This is a developing trend that I find very disappointing. The righteous are paying for the sins of the unrighteous. GoW did this and they are going to patch it, why are you all including it at all?
B/c a few people cheat, the rest of us can't play any 'significant' matches with our friends which defeats the purpose of my xbox live friends list. It just doesn't make sense.
"in order to change the game settings, the match must be disbanded and created again with the desired settings, just like in Gears of War."
Why? In PDZ, you can join a match , and then just stay in if it is a good bunch of people, as the host changes the map / weapons / play time options etc so you get variety. In this game, if the number of teams is an option, you may well want to change that too, as this will really change the dynamic.
It seems to be justified because "gears of war can't" - so what? progress is good!
I don't mean to rant - I love the demo and will love the game, but i felt myself weeping gently when i read this wasn't in the changes list.... (and that the individual scores are still on the game screeen and not toggled with the back button)
This will be my first capcom game in a while and i am hooked. i am really glad that you guys will listen to the gamers, unlike other corps, and fix issues and add what the gamers want. thanks
Thanks so much. I don't know what to say.. they actually listened
wow 2 to 4 teams? That's awesome
So any other game-play changes? Perhaps like a good Radar Readout for example?
The ranked games standard is set down by Microsoft in support of "Trueskill", so Capcom cant do anything about it but honestly it makes sense. What Microsoft really needs to do is build in teams or clans or whatever they want to call it so they could have ranked teams games in every game. So this limitation is no reflection on Lost Planet, it is a constraint of Xbox Live.