In ranked games, you can't "rematch" because of trueskill matching (needs to be randomized). This dosnt work with organised players thou. As one person just hosts and others join only their games? Choose something like a particular map in a partucular pattern. Other players than only search using that criteria and they will find the game in no time!
If you want to rematch with a big group of friends, do Player matches.
But if you want to level up at the same time, set a host and look for that host on the lobby list screen. Should be pretty easy, as the host list updates every few seconds. Although I haven't gone online today so I don't know how many games are going on online.
Unless there's a group of 16 of you, in which case it would be hard to guarantee everyone slots. In that case, Player match with private slots for everyone would be easiest.
I was commenting on how Sven was saying that ranked matches have to be random to keep the game fair. But that is not the case! I was pointng out how you how to get round it above.
The only way to get a really random match would to have servers running as hosts and players would then need to get joined to the games at random !
So has the font patch be applied yet? because i still cant read my battle gauge in multiplayer!
It applies to Elimination matches when you are running non-HD resolutions. What resolution are you using?
Okay, I see now. It's harder to do, but basically you can find the same host to play against. Somewhat like how GoW used to be until they patched it. I've seen this being done for Fugitive game type in particular to power level.
I'll bring up the power-leveling thing with the team tomorrow.
yeah fugitive gets alot of waiting for one person to join and then starting
usually on pirate fortress with rifles
It applies to Elimination matches when you are running non-HD resolutions. What resolution are you using? ah i didn't know it was JUST elimination. Would have been nice for the other modes, i cant tell if im winning or loosing in TEAM elimination.