So any other game-play changes? Perhaps like a good Radar Readout for example? I think changing the color of the dot's for the team games is the only fix they need. I just realized last night that the radar actually shows a red line in the direction you're being shot from. No more excuses for the mystery stun. You can check your radar and roll as soon as you're shot.
i actually think its better then the dots dont distinguish between teams, but also its easy for me to tell what side each person is on (that may be because of the screen i use)
i actually think its better then the dots dont distinguish between teams, but also its easy for me to tell what side each person is on (that may be because of the screen i use) Sven just explained why the dots dont change color over in the General Discussion.
Well i have more fun playing the multi demo than gears of war, this game will be pure greatness ! Anyway i don't know why you didn't make team characters look different, i don't see it as a huge or difficult technical achievment ? Oh also, i wanted to know, will there be more 1 or 2 more kind of grenade in the final game ? well there is already enough i know, but i love it.
You know what, I would actually agree. I play more LP demo than I do Gears. Theres just more possiblities in Lost Planet. It has that sandbox sort of feel that Battlefield MC has. I remember playing the Backstab demo map of Battlefield religiously for about 2 months straight. I get that same feeling from LP. Gears turns into the same thing over and over again.
You know what, I would actually agree. I play more LP demo than I do Gears. Theres just more possiblities in Lost Planet. It has that sandbox sort of feel that Battlefield MC has. I remember playing the Backstab demo map of Battlefield religiously for about 2 months straight. I get that same feeling from LP. Gears turns into the same thing over and over again. thats how i feel. In gears it just seems like there a certain "lines" you have to take each time or lose
but in LP there is just so much more to do
ive had more fun with the LP demos then with gears
The ranked games standard is set down by Microsoft in support of "Trueskill", so Capcom cant do anything about it but honestly it makes sense. What Microsoft really needs to do is build in teams or clans or whatever they want to call it so they could have ranked teams games in every game. So this limitation is no reflection on Lost Planet, it is a constraint of Xbox Live. Epic has already stated they are patching this to allow ranked matches with buddies.
Also, if it can be done in unranked, it can obviously be done in ranked. The problem is that in an attempt to curb cheaters, Epic realized that no one was playing ranked matches (relative to unranked matches). My question is, why would Capcom just duplicate this mistake?
Edit: Latest 1up show dogs Gears for not updating Ranked matches, yet and they are under the impression that Lost Planet will allow you to do it.
just so you know ,LOST PLANET has just come out in japan =[ ,all my jap gamer friends are playing it right now :eek: we dont even know when its comeing out in the uk, and there playing right NOW :mad:
This is great. Thanks for making all of the updates to this game. :)
EDIT: Don't worry, SnowRat, Lost Planet comes out in Europe on January 12th just like in North America.