Signal Flair. Not realy a weapon but more like a sighn for help needed when you run out of everything but are in a tight spot.
Heh, this could be dead, and if it is, forgive me I nub, but a freaking whip. Yea, a laser whip, a melee weapon that has the range enough so they can't kill you with a shotgun, but could with a rifle, or spamming the machine gun :) It could sap away T-ENG when you hit someone with it or you can capture someone with it, reel them in, and knife em. Which reminds me, we need a knife! Another suggestion, a net gun maybe to temporaily restrain someone for that headshot you want. The victim has to press B as fast as they can to get out or go through pressing random buttons that flash up. And I want a bioweapon, POISON GAS! Saps health to the point that your Harmonizer has a hard time keeping up. Uber cheap, but it also saps away your own T-ENG very fast, and less then 500 TENG, you cant use it.
Harpoon canon. (NOR REMOVE ABLE FROM THE VS) Use for / against VS's and Akrids Its the FIRST team weapon! How does it work. the VS carrying this weapon can shoot it at a lighter VS or lighter Akrid to hold it down until the cable snaps (+/- after 4 seconds) OR and this is where it should be used for. 1 HUGE VS or Akrid is over taking the spawning area. just try to hold down the VS/ akrid by enough VS's that will pin the VS/Akrid down
They should have lightning Whip O.o
I'm with the Servobot I want a lightsaber
I want a lightsaber, and a standard grenade launcher, lost o damage at the cost of ammo maybe a harpoon gun? and a Energy gun that actually kicks AI enemies out of there VS's
The Lancer From GOW BEAT THAT!!! hahaha :)
For Lost Planet 3 how about a very, very, very powerful Beretta 90two with an extended magazine capable of destruction on a massive scale. And the Beretta 90two with an extended magazine is so powerful that they can send the bad guys, mechs, and monsters flying to the wall, off a cliff, out a window, and into the water or ice like a rag doll with one powerful shot.
The weapons in Lost Planet 3 are good, but it could be better. The shotguns are awesome in this game.