I've been thinking about it and wouldn't it be great to just eliminate the plasma altogether? no offense to the Lost Planet Developers but would rather have a freeze grenade or something, I figure the plasma'a purpose is to freeze up mech's yet it doesn't do that well an all, and when you use it on people half the time you getting bit by the shock as well, maybe for LP 2 we could get something else?
I've been thinking about it and wouldn't it be great to just eliminate the plasma altogether? no offense to the Lost Planet Developers but would rather have a freeze grenade or something, I figure the plasma'a purpose is to freeze up mech's yet it doesn't do that well an all, and when you use it on people half the time you getting bit by the shock as well, maybe for LP 2 we could get something else? yea, also kinda annoying when you throw a plasma grenade at a person, and it doesnt work either.
Nub, Ju crazy mang! lol
*cuts Lucents Hard-baller open with lightsaber*
" and I thought these things smelled bad on the outside.."
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
how about giving us some of the weapons from Dear Rising?:D lol I'd love the bowling ball as a weapon:D
I want an AT-AT or an AT-ST or maybe an AT-PT. Hardballer my butt!
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I want an AT-AT or an AT-ST or maybe an AT-PT. Hardballer my butt! I want one of those Speeder Bikes! forget the evac ! :D
Maybe we should just play Battlefront Nub lol
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
hover chicken - (for large maps) when transforms to transportation mode, it fly as fast as a super mech but with less maneuverability.... possible altitude control? and of course a complementary cup holder that can hold/recharge a light saber as well as thermoses lol
swimming chicken - (would probably only work on Island 902) transform into transportation mode and boost into water, jet ski time... light saber holder still included
jet ski...JET SKI...on 902. Hell anything to acknowledge that the water is actually solid and isn't just dark air would be fun. Mech speed boats. hmmmmm...
maybe an ability to drop mines in the water? That's probably just a whole different game.
I think the plasma is fickle for a reason. If you didn't have to be careful with it you would have a tremendously unbalanced advantage over some situations. All they require most of the time is a little patience and forthought. I admit an actual physically cold freezing grenade would be cool. Or..ooooooo....something that would blow up ice and scatter it in the air and then freeze it in place before it landed would be awesome. You could create your own temporary cover and use it to trap people in or out or whatever. The frozen walls could be destroyed with one shotgun blast or a few machine gun shots just like the destructible cover littered around pirate fortress and lost coast.
I'm sure it would be totally unfair but it would look awesome :D
i agree with the jet ski option....to many times i have self inflicted cause i fell into the water with a VS. i also like the idea of the ice bomb that stuff would be cool.
Jet ski would be awesome, though I haven't seen people play that map in ages, seems like people only play Pirate fortress, Dilapidation, Trial, Training and occasionaly Crimson River. Here's how it breaks down as most played maps weapons and style:
1. Pirate Fortress: all weapons / Elim., Team, and Postgrab
2. Dilapidation: Shotgun, Sniper, machine Gun ,Rockets. / Team, Elim. and Postgrab
3. Trial: Shotgun, Machine gun / Team Elimination, Postgrab
4. Training Facility: Shotguns, Rockets, Machine gun / Team Elimination / Elimination / postgrab
5. Crimson River: Sniper Rifle / Team Elimination
6. Frozen Wasteland: Sniper Rifles , Rockets, Shotguns, Machine Guns / Team, Postgrab, Elimination (sometimes)
7. Darktown: Shotgun, Sniper, Machine gun, Rockets / Post Grab, Team, Elim.
8. Radar: Shotgun, Rockets, Machine gun / Post Grab, Elim., Team
9. Canyon: Sniper, Rockets / Elimination, Team
10. Hive: Shotguns, Machine guns, Rockets, Sniper / Postgrab, Team
11. Island: Sniper, rockets, machine guns / Team, Postgrab
12. Battleground: Shotguns, machine guns, rockets, grenades only / Postgrab, Elim. , Team
No, 902 hardly gets played at all anymore, which is a shame because on an artistic level it looks amazing. But i think something like jet skis (or anything in the game that recognizes the fact that water isn't just darker air) would make 902 and even lost coast so much better than they are.
Imagine mad dashes across the water for posts while trying not to get blown up or sniped and dodging falling bridges blah blah blah CRAZY is the point. crazy fun.
But i have a feeling water fun isn't in store for us untill lost planet 2 anyhow.
Did you pull the stats on game types from somewhere or is that simple observation? If it's from somewhere I'd love to check it out.
As far as crimson river...post grab and shotguns make for a great time on that map. screw the rifles. They're worthless when everyone has them anyways.