Started: Jun 4, 2008
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Lost Planet

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12 years ago  ::  May 21, 2008 - 7:02PM #31
Posts: 18
Why not create a plasma machinegun?
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12 years ago  ::  Jun 07, 2008 - 3:10PM #32
Posts: 137
The Anti-VS-Rifle, handgun, and the flame launcher are in Lost Planet: Colonies.

Poster #2 and myself win!
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12 years ago  ::  Jun 07, 2008 - 4:30PM #33
Posts: 1,577

Kaeporo wrote:

The Anti-VS-Rifle, handgun, and the flame launcher are in Lost Planet: Colonies.

Poster #2 and myself win!

this thread was created a long time ago before colonies was even annouced.

AMD Phenom II 940                               PSN=roofsniper
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Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi                 
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12 years ago  ::  Aug 09, 2008 - 8:14AM #34
Posts: 1,366

Scater granate / rocked.

amound 1

max 9

what does it do:

like the VS granate lounsher it shoots a misle that splits in to particles.

This one breaks up in 12 sticky granates and scaters the ground and targets it lands upon. they will be 100% like stiky and there fore can be roled of or shot with an other gun for a premature detenation ( it is actualy just a trouw 12 sticky granates in 1 kind of thing packed in a granate launsher kind of device)

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12 years ago  ::  Aug 15, 2008 - 3:18AM #35
Posts: 3

Lost Planet needs a few Melee weapons and some more tactical weapons like claymore mines and C4.

for melee weapons i had the idea of a thermal consuming blade, sort of a Katana but with a long hose hooked to your thermal tank, normal attacks deal about 1/3rd of a bar worth of damage simply by pressing the melee button. Also it could be charged up by holding the right trigger in for a few seconds allowng your to perform a forward stab that instsntly kills an enemy if it hits. useful for sneak kills but the catch is that it lights up and consumes Large amounts of T-eng as long as it charging and about 500-700 t-eng for the move itself.

Next up we have a shield, sort of the anti-thesis to the energy Katana it would be a large cumbersome slab of thick VS grade armor. simply put if you hold down the R trigger your character plants the sheild down in front of him(the position of the target reticule) and becomes nigh invincible. Melee attack has you rear back and slam the sheild downwards knocking the opponent down with one blow, allowing you to either repeatedly slam him to death(with the sheild you can kill people whove been knocked down by melee'ing near them) or stick em with a grenade. the weaknesses are that its considered a heavy weapon so you walk slow, like with a VS weapon, and you have no ranged attacks. also ounce you position the sheild you cant change said position till you release the trigger putting you in a vulnerable spot when the enemy flanks you.

Now then tactical weapons, these are weapons for smart people, things like C4, claymores and chaff/radar disabling grenades. claymores are obvious, you set them up and a small blip pops up indicating the sensor range. somone steps within it(if freindly fire is On your pals can walk right past it.) and they get blown up. has the explosive power of incendiary grenades(colonies!) obviously you want to put these on posts and high traffic hallways. You can spawn with up to 3 of them with a max limit of 9. next is C4, a nasty little tool blends in well with most enviornments as it is a white opaque color. similar to gum grenades, you can stick em to most anything posts walls doorways people, but the fun thing is they dont detonate till you hit the trigger(or you leave the maximum range for detonation which would be rather big). you can spawn with 2 of these, maximum of 5. also good for post grabs and such. Lastly we could have chaff/radar disabling grenades, semi pointles if you run and gun but the great thing is that (hopefully) they fix the radar to display the different teams. Red for red team blue dots for blue team, no more following around some blip on you radar only to find its a buddy without a MIc(which sucks, GET MICS YOU JERKS!!). well there we go. nice essay length stuff.

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12 years ago  ::  Aug 15, 2008 - 4:14AM #36
Posts: 1,366

please do not mess with the radar!! its perfect. i like the "melee" weapons if they were steel bars, swords and knives. but they would be used under the B button and your weapon of choise is selectes at the char menu 1 only

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12 years ago  ::  Aug 15, 2008 - 12:20PM #37
Posts: 70

i have no problem with the radar, if i see a dot i turn in its direction, if i see a name directly where im aimin my crosshairs, its a friendly dot, if not then enemy detected and i go sneak up on them to stick a gum grenade to the back of their head

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12 years ago  ::  Aug 15, 2008 - 3:22PM #38
Posts: 1,366

Hell yeah that is the way to do it MUHAHAHAHahahah....... just dont do it with me please ^.-

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11 years ago  ::  Nov 08, 2008 - 9:35PM #39
Posts: 5

Thermal Syphoner for use on the enemies. Suck the life right out of them!

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11 years ago  ::  Jan 13, 2009 - 2:20AM #40
Posts: 1,366

Sonicgranate. doesnt do mush damage but trows back every thing that gets hit by it by 50 meters and disarm them for 10 seconds

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