Just my observations over the last few weeks though I'd love to get everyone else's concesus (think thats spelled correctly :p ) anyways I made it up based on frequent checking for games, and started noticing the trends, made a few mental notes, some where easier than others since quite a few people have been making the same rooms, same weapons and same maps all day everyday lol,
ah well. would be cool if lp provided a run down of that every week or something. Also after i posted that yesterday i wound up doing some walk abouts with a friend on some of the new maps and it was cool seeing someone who hasn't played them out yet. He pointed out a lot of things people just don't see anymore about the new maps.
Ever see The Fifth Element? This... (pause for emphasis) This, my friends, is the weapon we need... The ZF1. Enjoy the demostration. :cool:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
lol nubbin, I remember that... it is a cool weapon for sure:D
lol nubbin, I remember that... it is a cool weapon for sure:D It's just too bad I couldn't find a video of the complete demonstration... It had an arrow launcher with poisons gas and explosive heads, a net launcher, flame-thrower, ice-gun aka the ice-cube system(liquid nitrogen)... oh man, that gun is awesome. Coincidentally, ever notice how Korban's pistol from that movie resembles the pistol from the cutscenes of Lost Planet? I want the weapons of The Fifth Element in Lost Planet haha jk...
Seriously though, they should make a game for The Fifth Element from a third person perspective. Imagine... It give's me the jibblies! :D
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I've been thinking about it and wouldn't it be great to just eliminate the plasma altogether? no offense to the Lost Planet Developers but would rather have a freeze grenade or something, I figure the plasma'a purpose is to freeze up mech's yet it doesn't do that well an all, and when you use it on people half the time you getting bit by the shock as well, maybe for LP 2 we could get something else? I use to feel the same way about them until i discovered i could hold four players at a post for 10-20 seconds, or use it to freeze a player long enough for me to walk up to them and shoot them point blank with a shotty (one shot kill). sometimes i use them to freeze a mech so i can take it down with one charged EM laser shot to the legs. They slow down a hoard of enemies attacking post 4 onpirate fortress layout 3. and they r great if u r just lazy and don't feel like aiming so u just throw a buch. I'd like to see them stay
I think a thermal temp. sheild would be pimped once u get enough thermal energy you can block most weapons
Or a electric net that catchs your enemy and temp. stuns them taking away health
all the weapons are fine, however i think the only thing that lacks in the game is the melee ability, how about making this a little stronger and perhaps four different melee types depending on which way your moving during a melee attack, such as pushing towards the person your attacking with a melee is a tackle where it takes a few seconds for both of you too rise, melee+ no thumbstick movment being smacking someone with the butt of the weapon, and perhaps sneaking behind a snipper then using melee while pushing back could be a stabbing them in the back or slitting there throat for quick close up kills that can only be done when the person your sneaking up behind has there back too you, i so thoroughly enjoy sneaking up behind those pesky snippers and blowing there head off, but i think a slitting there throat would be more appropriate and melee should be a valid option to save ammo.and many of the snippers never take there eye out of the scope anyways but just perch somewhere so this would even the battle field slightly. also the ability of only pushing once too duck and keep yourself ducked should be a option, perhaps have it where you can double tap too crawl and push once too duck, im so sick of having too hold down that button while im crouched and trying too sneack around, ofcourse ducking and walking should divide a run in half, and crawling should be the speed of a ducked run divided in half, or even for a crawl should be slower or no movment at all. They also should do something with the radar in the top right hand side too take off the snow glare, theres been too many times in games where people are saying enemies NW of your position or S of position from crackhouse just too look up and not being able too discerne which directions which cause of the N-S-E-W compass being in white and hard too read from the snow around you.
lol how about the hoverboard from Back to the Future 2 i think it was lol but it shoots disc grenades from the front and back and can be used as a projectile in case of an emergency ejection or when your T-eng runs low or runs out. Dantes Sword? Ebony and Ivory? C4? ill think of more
I dont know, i that sounds like it would be a great help though :rolleyes: