For online purposes only, I'm creating a thread based on your opinions as to weapons that should be added to Lost Planet's multiplayer. They should be balanced as much as possible with weapons that deal extremely high damage or cover a large blast radius hindered by low ammunition etc.
I'll start with some of my own ideas.
Homing missles: From the singleplayer
Acts like the Homing laser. Fires rockets instead of lasers which track targets. Holds 12 missles.
Anti-VS-Rifle: From the singleplayer
Acts like a Mech sniper rifle. Can zoom at 10% and 25%. A single hit from the Anti-VS-Rifle on an enemy mech will destroy an opponents mech instantly and trap them inside the mech so they cannot escape. Deals lower amounts of damage to people versus mechs. Each shot uses 400 thermal energy and the weapon holds three shots.
Thermal Blade: Makes the melee useful
Standard melee has a wider arch. A single hit kills an enemy. Can hold down the fire button to paint a single enemy. Release the fire button to launch into the air and fall down*, striking the foe. Takes half of their health. Takes no thermal energy per swing but TE runs out slowly like a VS. Requires at least 100.
*Opponents can dodge thermal slashes by running towards the enemy when they lunge so the foe flies overhead.
Land Mine: Trip up the enemy
Available at spawn in the grenade slot. Players spawn with 2 landmines and can set them anywhere there is flat ground large enough to support a Cackti. Mines explode on contact or detonation (Shooting extensively/ Fragging) and can kill a player in a single explosion. Mechs of variable integrity can be destroyed from continous wear or in two landmine explosions. Any player with a radar via data post can locate landmines by a blue dot on their radar.
Burst Rifle: A second standard fire-arm
Fires three shots in a burst mode of fire. Extremely useful for close to medium range combat. Four shots to the torso or two shots to the head yield a kill. Typically holds 60 bullets but can max at 300 ammunition. Each pull of the trigger expells three bullets.
Pistol: Backup weaponry
Fires quick bullets that can kill an opponent in 10 shots to the chest. Three shots to the head result in a kill.
Nuclear Warhead: The ultimate
A single specialized turret which claims your life via massive thermal energy drain. Fires a single extremely difficult to judge bomb that covers a large area and kills anyone within feet of the bomb itself. The actual explosion leaves anyone with max health at low health (plus knockdown) and kills anyone with less than 75% of maximum health. The turret explodes aswell thus decreasing your battle gauge even more.
Flame thrower - nothing particlualry useful about it but it would cover a large area, you couldn't roll away from it, and it would look cool, it would run on Teng
How bout making the grenade lancher an option start weapon?
Would love to see all grenade launcher games, for that matter would love to see grenade only games implimented into the game as well, for that you get rid of plasma's, (as they do very little damage and more often than not end up catching you in them also no matter if you throw them 5 feet or 15 feet away) make machine gun where it doesn't damage people and replace the floating weapons on the levels with,you guessed it more grenades:D
Would also like the ability to remove the cannon's and missile launchers from the turrents and small mechs
How about having a Voltron like ability to unite a few of the mechs into a supermech? lol just kidding
With all of the cold-related weapons and the importance of thermal energy, I'd suggest a freeze ray/energy sapper of sorts. Not to actually stop an opponent in a block of ice, but to sap away T-ENG at a very fast rate, and add it to your own. Effective range would be only about as far as a shotgun, and you'd have to switch weapons to do serious damage, but if you went up against a foe with an energy gun or plasma gun, it could give you the edge quickly.
Maybe instead of a gun that saps energy make it a grenade that works something like the plasma grenades. Instead of draining health it drains t-eng and stuns those caught in it's blast but for a shorter period of time than a plasma would.
I want a lightsaber.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I actually forgot that I posted about flamethrowers before, makes sense though I have alot of ideas that sit and simmer, sometimes I let em out before their finished:D
I still want a lightsaber.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I would like a Defensive VS weapon.
A device that can replace one of the weapons on VS's that support removeable ones.
This device would use thermal energy.
Once button is depressed it would release a 1 1/2 or 2 sec instant energy burst that surrounds the VS and negates any Energy weapon shots (Except EM Laser), so Plasma Rifle, Energy gun, and VS Laser.
You could use the device on foot as well, but It has no offensive capabilities other than Melee attack.
Anyways, I think it would add alot of strategy to the game.
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
I still want a lightsaber. I could see Nub, grappling on the the belly of a VS, cutting it open with the Lightsabre and throwing in a thermal detona-..Uhh.. I mean gum grenade. :p
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
FAB: So you think you're a Jedi now with that lightsaber, eh? NUB: Yep. FAB: Let us see your force powers then! NUB: (throws plasma grenade at Lucent) Look! Force Lightning. If only I had the time to do my own LP comic relating the humor and good times from XBL... It would at least knock IGN's " Cubetoons" out da box.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter