All this bitterness is getting irritating. Why would you even wonder if "long time" members are willfully spreading disinformation? The bottom line is, they said it's a first come first serve, and "STAY TUNED". As a result, we had a TON of new people join last week. The site runs super slow now because of all the traffic. Why? because people were staying tuned, checking for any updates. Yet i saw first post people last night talking about "how do i get a code" then acting all pissy cause they missed out. If you really wanted to get one, you should've just checked the site at least twice a day. I'm sorry you didn't get one, but don't act all nasty to people over it. The demo will be public in a few weeks anyways. Sheesh, people have so much high standards when something is free, yet they'll gladly pay for something thats a crappy product. (mw2 map packs)
All this bitterness is getting irritating. Why would you even wonder if "long time" members are willfully spreading disinformation? The bottom line is, they said it's a first come first serve, and "STAY TUNED". As a result, we had a TON of new people join last week. The site runs super slow now because of all the traffic. Why? because people were staying tuned, checking for any updates. Yet i saw first post people last night talking about "how do i get a code" then acting all pissy cause they missed out. If you really wanted to get one, you should've just checked the site at least twice a day. I'm sorry you didn't get one, but don't act all nasty to people over it. The demo will be public in a few weeks anyways. Sheesh, people have so much high standards when something is free, yet they'll gladly pay for something thats a crappy product. (mw2 map packs)
Don't know about some people, but I'm a little bitter at the fact I dealt with the bloody site yesterday, snail-pacing and all, to get a code, only to find out mine is magically been used already, and have heard nothing about them actually fixing it, just things about them planning on it.
yeah, i really don't know what to say about that man. It sucks. On the bright side, in a few weeks it won't even matter.
wow my code is already in use. ...
new to site cuz of lp2 code hype. Evan if dont get code glad joined.
If anyone has an extra code, I am in need of it so bad.  PM me with code and feel awesome. 
Me 2 I love lp and megaman.....dang bombs.....in both games
wow.... they went from nuking lostplanetcommunity.com to now facebook... swell oh wells, i figure about 30 percent of the people clammering for a key is just because its free. by the time it comes out i figure it'll only be the people that liked LP, colonies and monster hunter that remains... all the weeaboo's (yes its out of context) will have moved on to something else.
So the 360 code was activated before the marketplace was updated, I wonder if the same will happen with the PS3 code.
OH man waiting for a code is givin me a high blood pressure lol! The lost planet community section is getting flooded and i can't access the page... when i first heard of this i was like NEED TO GET IN!! Then i clamed down a bit now... I composed myself and now if do get one, i get one, and if i don't i can wait... but die a little inside... Can't believe a multi player demo can stir up some commotion lol. It reminds me of those times like in a flea market when all the people jumble into a small area because someone is selling something for a really low price and EVERYbody wants it so the push and shove to get their way.... But for me im a bit laid back. Like i said if i do get one HELL YA.