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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion Get Early Access to the Lost Planet 2 Demo NOW!
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Locked: Get Early Access to the Lost Planet 2 Demo NOW!
10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 5:24PM #331
Posts: 8

Hoping to see a resolution to the "Code is already used" problem soon!

10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 5:26PM #332
Posts: 2,074

....Guys, I understand that a few of you are mad about not getting a working code, just be aware that you were never guaranteed to get one in the first place. Everybody involved with this are working themselves to death for you guys. Also about this conflict going on between long term users here at capcom-unity, and newcomers: Not to be too impolite, but relax. Some of these members have been checking this site but never signed up, the original post said avid FANS. That doesn't mean you'd have to have been on Unity for a while.

It simply means that if you enjoy the game, and just want to have a fun experience you should come try out the demo. Heck, I originally was never going to join this site. And I would have never been here in the first place, and I probably would have joined to play the demo myself, does that exclude me from being an "Avid" fan? No it does not, I would be the same person I am right now.

Just be patient, people are working on this problem, and it would be a lot easier if you guys would calm down. Thanks.

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I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 5:31PM #333
Posts: 1

been waiting over a year for this game

10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 5:36PM #334
Posts: 782

Aha!  I was wondering why the site has been so slow.  Don't be bitter, people.  Just be sad that some people are so selfish that they engage in shady practices for their own benefit, and for a FREE demo.  If you are a longtime member of CU and can verify this via post number, etc...PM me with a picture of something happy and I'll happily give you my PS3 code (assuming it hasn't magically been used already).


To be used tomorrow, of course!

I know what I don't know, but I don't know what I know.

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10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 6:12PM #335
Posts: 136

Mar 31, 2010 -- 5:36PM, wackdogg wrote:

Aha!  I was wondering why the site has been so slow.  Don't be bitter, people.  Just be sad that some people are so selfish that they engage in shady practices for their own benefit, and for a FREE demo.  If you are a longtime member of CU and can verify this via post number, etc...PM me with a picture of something happy and I'll happily give you my PS3 code (assuming it hasn't magically been used already).


To be used tomorrow, of course!

True its a free demo, but its also a free demo that gets you an exclusive weapon for the real game, so I can understand why people are getting bitter over their own codes not working.

For people without codes? Yeah it kind of sucks too i guess.

10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 6:12PM #336
Posts: 25

You figured capcom would've released individual codes, not multiples, unless this is all just a server error

10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 6:12PM #337
Ronin O
Posts: 10

bah its no big deal...


its not like the meat and potatoes isnt comming out in about another month or so besides...

what you all need to be doing is brushing up on the street fighter skills before you run out there and get embarrassed. :P lol

10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 6:24PM #338
Posts: 620

Mar 31, 2010 -- 6:12PM, cursedseishi wrote:

Mar 31, 2010 -- 5:36PM, wackdogg wrote:

Aha!  I was wondering why the site has been so slow.  Don't be bitter, people.  Just be sad that some people are so selfish that they engage in shady practices for their own benefit, and for a FREE demo.  If you are a longtime member of CU and can verify this via post number, etc...PM me with a picture of something happy and I'll happily give you my PS3 code (assuming it hasn't magically been used already).


To be used tomorrow, of course!

True its a free demo, but its also a free demo that gets you an exclusive weapon for the real game, so I can understand why people are getting bitter over their own codes not working.

For people without codes? Yeah it kind of sucks too i guess.

FYI the weapon is not "exclusive". It's still in the game for everyone. All the demo does is give it to you earlier meaning you don't have to level up or unlock it for it will automatically be available.

PSN: callmeJackz
Steam: callmeJackz
10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 6:26PM #339
Posts: 1

God i really hope i get into the Multiplayer beta for this. I've been playing the singleplayer demo everyday haha i just want to try something different...please....i need a beta key Cry

10 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2010 - 6:33PM #340
Posts: 19

Shoot!!! I was going to get ungrounded on the weekend and hopefully put my code in but now someone probably already used it.  I guess I will have to wait until April 21 for the demo. Also Its good to hear that the Machine gun SP isnt "exclusive" so I can wait patiently. 

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