With the limited supply of early access codes, I'm wondering if Capcom intended this to be the equivalent of a closed beta. Let's see if the codes are sold for as much money as the Starcraft 2 ones were. Haha.
With the limited supply of early access codes, I'm wondering if Capcom intended this to be the equivalent of a closed beta. Let's see if the codes are sold for as much money as the Starcraft 2 ones were. Haha.
anyone who pays money for this demo is a complete fool. i'm even questioning myself as to why i'm even monitoring this site - i don't even really like the elimination gametype in lost planet. BAH!
My friend tried to get a code last night and he couldnt get one. They might not be giving anymore away.
Well looks like it was meant to be a mini close beta since if they didn't have a limited supply, they would just release the public demo today and tomorrow.
PSN ID- iceburn_ PS3 rules! I wanna' play a game.
Well looks like it was meant to be a mini close beta since if they didn't have a limited supply, they would just release the public demo today and tomorrow.
that's perfectly fine, but if that's the case someone from capcom should come out and say "it's over, stop trying." it's simply bad form to leave people here refreshing the community page over and over again hoping to get a code if it's impossible to get one. no one on the official twitter pages has had any explanation for the nonsense that has been going on here.
Hey looking forward to killing many of you.
PSN ID: RedPanda77
It really doesn't have to do with how many codes there are. CAPCOM can make as many codes as they want. It really all boiled down to just being at the right place at the right time, which is kind of stupid if you ask me, considering how many people wanted codes, and how many people got them.
can someone give me an email or support number or anything because when i signed onto xbox live today i put in my beta code and it said it has already been redemeed
No offence, but there shoul have been a note on the incredibly broken front page saying that the codes were in limited supply. I know I'm new here and all, but it's pretty crappy that it wasn't made clear from the get-go.