I'm kinda worried, if the demo site closed and someone mentioned that their code didn't work b/c it got redeemed already...did everyone get a unique code cuz what if it says it when I try to download tonite?? 
I dont understand why they just dont release it now....it was leaked early on the playstation mag and why go through all this trouble with codes.
I'm kinda worried, if the demo site closed and someone mentioned that their code didn't work b/c it got redeemed already...did everyone get a unique code cuz what if it says it when I try to download tonite?? 
I dont understand why they just dont release it now....it was leaked early on the playstation mag and why go through all this trouble with codes.
I agree.
Waysider. Gunsword. Magnum.
PSN: spazski Currently playing Killzone 2, and loving the hell out of it.
LOL after 3 hours I got in - but the code is out Thats whata call LUKE
So what do I do If it said the code has been redeemed?
this really isn't a great promotion for capcom-unity... it's gone horribly so far. kind of a bummer.
I got my demo for the 360, but my Gold subscription ran out. Fortunately, a "free Gold weekend" starts tomorrow. Great timing!
i still can't believe i've been having this much trouble trying to get a code, and some ****S got one and decided "well, guess i need five more for all my friends (who probably don't even care). that is so foul. if i don't get one today, i'm not even going to bother anymore because this is a lot of a hassle for a stupid little game demo.
i still can't believe i've been having this much trouble trying to get a code, and some ****S got one and decided "well, guess i need five more for all my friends (who probably don't even care). that is so foul. if i don't get one today, i'm not even going to bother anymore because this is a lot of a hassle for a stupid little game demo.
I agree with you, I'm still having troubles trying to get one for the 360. I wish they would update us and let us know when they will have more.
My code has been redeemed. Why would they give me someone elses code? Can I get a new one?
the frontpage of the lost planet community is completely messed up for me. i bet that means more codes are being given away, although since everyone is complaining that their codes aren't working at this point, i wonder if i should even bother trying anymore.