WHERE DO I GO 2 DOWNLOAD IT! ive been starring at this community engage thing 4 thirty min already n i really need that code
Downloading now.
where do u download it? im at the lost planet 2 community site already
I look for the demo in Xbox live but no success... Have any one find it? where?
Xbox Live Gamertag: MegaErick
Agreed, just got my code, so stoked for wednesday, any idea if there will be any customization on the demo?
Yes, there will be.
Is it for guns or your character.
Gamertag : Superloverooney Xbox Live Ambassador how to get that code??
Instructions are on the 1st page...
Support NEVEC in MVC3!Click Here![Currently Playing: BFBC2, LP2, MHTri] The Rebellion Army owns you now... My MegaMan preference for MVC3 would had been Starforce, but yeah sure, I'll jump on this bandwagon, if X does indeed get in as DLC, there better be gamers playing as him or else this would had been a waste of time and missed opportunity for another Capcom Character...
Kinda wish they would have done Team Elimination and Post Grab but its still really fun
This is sum sick shite!!!! cod can k*ss it lol!!! MmM H8Monger
Am i the only idiot, that though da codes would be released at midnight 2nite? i could have gotten them on tuesday when they first posted this blog DAM! n now i must wait, n hope