I do everything to get a Code because i love LOST PLANET
Wave, I see your point but I guess we'll agree to disagree. Exclusive items for pre-ordering, I can stomach that, but not demos.
I thought this was funny
starting bid $15? LOL Blastaar, is your username related to the Marvel character?
I Pay for it ! No problem ... because i love LOST PLANET
I Pay for it ! No problem ... because i love LOST PLANET
You're making me feel guilty as sin...
hahaha yep. I don't care for blastaar, but the name is cool since he's from the N-zone along with Annihilus. (yeah i grew up reading comics.)
I do everything to get it but www.lostplanetcommunity.com/# wont let me sign in ... idont know why ... so if anybody can help : PSN ID - WOLFZWARRIOR
Wolf, are you using any add-ons with your browser?
hahaha yep. I don't care for blastaar, but the name is cool since he's from the N-zone along with Annihilus.
(yeah i grew up reading comics.)
Hmm he is from the negative zone? I thought he was just trapped there.
I do everything to get it but www.lostplanetcommunity.com/# wont let me sign in ... idont know why ... so if anybody can help : PSN ID - WOLFZWARRIOR
Wolf make sure to read the first post of this thread and try again tomorrow. You may still be able to get a code.....for free. @Aries: Nah he was the king of some planet until they overthrew him. His name should sound corny to me, but for some reason I like it. He looks like he should be a thundercats or silverhawks villian.
lol, you guys are talking about comics in this thread. (100th post!!)
lol, you guys are talking about comics in this thread. (100th post!!)
Hey, if Gears of War can have a comic, so can Lost Planet! Blastaar, I see. I have always seen he had some kind of rivalry with Annihilus. Gotta say comics of cosmic nature are my favorite.