I've always been all about the xmen and spiderman stuff. Though i used to read silver surfer too. Nice to see that, with the success of Annihilation, Marvel is showing attention to that side again. Guardians of the Galaxy is actually really good. Wikipedia the Kree too. Great ideas with that.
I have been thinking, I wonder if that spaceship map in Colonies will be in LP2.
I've always been all about the xmen and spiderman stuff. Though i used to read silver surfer too. Nice to see that, with the success of Annihilation, Marvel is showing attention to that side again. Guardians of the Galaxy is actually really good. Wikipedia the Kree too. Great ideas with that.
At first I really was into x-men, a little of spiderman. But now I need things on a bigger scale, concepts I have never thought of before. When I read Thanos Quest and the Infinity Gauntlet my mind was blown. Silver Surfer was pretty interesting, too. I haven't read the new series. Check out Thano's Quest and Infinity Gauntlet, if you haven't. htmlcomics.com/ all free and legal :)
How do I select a console? I verified my E-Mail on the engage site but didnt see the option for a console.
Im pretty sure these codes are in limited supply. There would be no point in having and early access demo if everyone could have early access. Shame on those that are taking the opportunity away from others.
 PSO Kireek
Slightly disappointed I didn't get the code since I had school but I will keep waiting and for others that are complaining just be patient 
"Do a barrel role" -Peppy GT: xBL4cKWoLf27x
I do everything to get it but www.lostplanetcommunity.com/# wont let me sign in ... i dont know why ... so if anybody can help : PSN ID - WOLFZWARRIOR
Wolfgang, try back tomorrow, no use in trying to buy something that will be free for everyone eventually.
Waysider. Gunsword. Magnum.
PSN: spazski Currently playing Killzone 2, and loving the hell out of it.
I try 1000 times to sign in but this site wont let me ... so i never get a chance to get a code ! So i got no problem to pay for it ....
I think they're right that the codes are limited. Plus I just checked and it said Redeem Codes is unavailable. Bummer.......