They should have just given codes to those who pre-ordered the game.
^^ True that.
Nope, a demo is to try and see if you'll like the game.
What you're saying makes sense as a marketing technique, what we're saying is what should happen.
if you have more than one, it's bad form to mention it here and at this time. It's like going to a starving country and grubbing in a trailer, then going outside with greezy lips and fingers while talking about "man we are going to town on that feast, it's like a hedgeman family reunion over here."
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!.... oh... I apologize.
EDIT: sorry for double post.
if you have more than one, it's bad form to mention it here and at this time. It's like going to a starving country and grubbing in a trailer, then going outside with greezy lips and fingers while talking about "man we are going to town on that feast, it's like a hedgeman family reunion over here."
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!.... oh... I apologize.
Me too....
 Your FACE!...god damnit! C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.) 3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me. Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211 What you're doing is 120% criminal. Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt. You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
27 people looking at it along with 9 guests now.
I Cant sign in on www.lostplanetcommunity.com/# it dont let me ... if anybody can help me out to get a LP2 Multiplayercode please Message me PSN ID : WOLFZWARRIOR
They should have just given codes to those who pre-ordered the game.
^^ True that.
Nope, a demo is to try and see if you'll like the game.
What you're saying makes sense as a marketing technique, what we're saying is what should happen.
As a gamer, my point is the opposite of yours. A function of a demo is to bring potential new customers to the franchise. You don't do that by having them pre-order first, and try a demo later. This gen has gone to hell by giving demos for pre-ordering among other maladies.
They should have just given codes to those who pre-ordered the game.
^^ True that.
Nope, a demo is to try and see if you'll like the game.
What you're saying makes sense as a marketing technique, what we're saying is what should happen.
As a gamer, my point is the opposite of yours. A function of a demo is to bring potential new customers to the franchise. You don't do that by having them pre-order first, and try a demo later. This gen has gone to hell by giving demos for pre-ordering among other maladies.
I didn't say exclusively for those who pre-orderd. I just think that they should all get 1 for sure. Demos are often betas of the actual game, those who are going to buy the actual game, should be rewarded with their investment by being able to play it first.
They should have just given codes to those who pre-ordered the game.
^^ True that.
Nope, a demo is to try and see if you'll like the game.
What you're saying makes sense as a marketing technique, what we're saying is what should happen.
As a gamer, my point is the opposite of yours. A function of a demo is to bring potential new customers to the franchise. You don't do that by having them pre-order first, and try a demo later. This gen has gone to hell by giving demos for pre-ordering among other maladies.
We are eye to eye. There are tons of garbage going on thats only gonna serve to run this industry into the ground eventually. Look at what happened to the hip hop industry. Look at that trash with that 15 dollar mw2 map pack that DOESN'T EVEN WORK. People saw that it was nonsense, yet they still shelled out their cash for it. Sigh it used to all be so simple back in the 16-bit wars.
I Search a Multiplayer code for LP2 Multiplayer Demo ! I can pay for it with PSN $ ... PSN ID : WOLFZWARRIOR