Greetings Snow and Capcom,
I went to Lost Planet's Launch Party in San Francisco three years ago. I am wondering about a Launch Party for Lost Planet 2. Will there be one? And - Will it be taking place in San Francisco again, hopefully?
-Cy 5th
Launch parties usually happen with titles as big as Lost Planet. However, planning them happens a little closer to the release date of the game. Since we're a ways from release, we have no launch party planned (although it's likely there will be one) and no location chosen for one if/when we have it.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Greetings Snow and Capcom,
I went to Lost Planet's Launch Party in San Francisco three years ago. I am wondering about a Launch Party for Lost Planet 2. Will there be one? And - Will it be taking place in San Francisco again, hopefully?
-Cy 5th
Launch parties usually happen with titles as big as Lost Planet. However, planning them happens a little closer to the release date of the game. Since we're a ways from release, we have no launch party planned (although it's likely there will be one) and no location chosen for one if/when we have it.
Cool...Ill keep checking around here then. I just hope its somewhere around the Bay Area then.
Question: Is there plans for local multiplayer play?(Split-Screen co-op/versus?)? I know many developers think this isn't necessarry anymore, but my favorite shooters are ones that allow you to play with family or friends. I used to spend days on games like 007: Nightfire and such gaming with family and friends on the same tv. Local play ISN'T DEAD!
Question: Is there plans for local multiplayer play?(Split-Screen co-op/versus?)?
I know many developers think this isn't necessarry anymore, but my favorite shooters are ones that allow you to play with family or friends. I used to spend days on games like 007: Nightfire and such gaming with family and friends on the same tv. Local play ISN'T DEAD!
Last time I heard, the team was working on a way to implement that. It was something about Frame rate needing to be taking care of, since your doubling the action on two seperate screens; especially in very hectic parts.
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Question: Is there plans for local multiplayer play?(Split-Screen co-op/versus?)?
I know many developers think this isn't necessarry anymore, but my favorite shooters are ones that allow you to play with family or friends. I used to spend days on games like 007: Nightfire and such gaming with family and friends on the same tv. Local play ISN'T DEAD!
Last time I heard, the team was working on a way to implement that. It was something about Frame rate needing to be taking care of, since your doubling the action on two seperate screens; especially in very hectic parts.
Well I mean I think online gameplay would be more complex than split-screen...I mean split-screen has been going on FOR YEARS. I think the PS3 and 360 can handle two-four people on a console. I mean games like Nightfire and other games with local play didn't seem like they had Frame issues.
Well I mean I think online gameplay would be more complex than split-screen...I mean split-screen has been going on FOR YEARS. I think the PS3 and 360 can handle two-four people on a console. I mean games like Nightfire and other games with local play didn't seem like they had Frame issues.
Well, those other games weren't running one of the most intensive and powerful game engines to date either. Lost Planet 2 looks great, and trying to run that on a console two times at once... Yea, that's the tricky bit.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Well I mean I think online gameplay would be more complex than split-screen...I mean split-screen has been going on FOR YEARS. I think the PS3 and 360 can handle two-four people on a console. I mean games like Nightfire and other games with local play didn't seem like they had Frame issues.
Well, those other games weren't running one of the most intensive and powerful game engines to date either. Lost Planet 2 looks great, and trying to run that on a console two times at once... Yea, that's the tricky bit.
True, no arguement there. I mean I have played local play with games like Wipeout and experienced framerate loss while having smoother frames on Online play. Also games like tekken actually dumb down the graphics level for some modes....Though then it would be a quality vs quantity issue(quality being the graphics and quantity being the number of players).
Well, Titles should be able to be earned multiple ways, and it could be listed under your gamertag in a game(the LOTR mmo have it as a "subtitle" under your name) so it's there for you to brag about it. That's my opinion anyway.
Well, Titles should be able to be earned multiple ways, and it could be listed under your gamertag in a game(the LOTR mmo have it as a "subtitle" under your name) so it's there for you to brag about it.
That's my opinion anyway.
That's pretty much what I was talking about. I'm just curious of CAPCOM's Version of titles. 
A little while ago you were talking about being able to earn titles and Whatnot after playing through Multiplayer in Lost Planet 2, like "Shotgun King" or "Super Ninja" etc. is this a little like the CoD Modern Warfare 2 Titles? Where if you complete a certain criteria you get a title that shows what you can do? If so, Will the community by any chance, be able to come up with some crazy titles before the full game is released?
I mean Most of them would still be a secret, but there could be like 9 or 10 titles thought up by the community. Pretty Please with a Sticky Grenade on top?     
Oh, and happy 2010! (Wow I'm late...)

They also have Emblems to pick from:

Basically, they put both parts together to make this:
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest