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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Jan 07, 2010 - 6:24PM #581
Posts: 977

Jan 5, 2010 -- 9:10PM, Deaco wrote:


A little while ago you were talking about being able to earn titles and Whatnot after playing through Multiplayer in Lost Planet 2, like "Shotgun King" or "Super Ninja" etc. is this a little like the CoD Modern Warfare 2 Titles? Where if you complete a certain criteria you get a title that shows what you can do? If so, Will the community by any chance, be able to come up with some crazy titles before the full game is released?

I mean Most of them would still be a secret, but there could be like 9 or 10 titles thought up by the community. Pretty Please with a Sticky Grenade on top? InnocentLaughingTongue outCoolInnocent

Oh, and happy 2010! (Wow I'm late...)


They also have Emblems to pick from:


Basically, they put both parts together to make this:


like MW2?  i think you mean SFIV! Laughing

10 years ago  ::  Jan 07, 2010 - 6:32PM #582
Posts: 2,074

Jan 7, 2010 -- 6:24PM, adamazing wrote:

Jan 5, 2010 -- 9:10PM, Deaco wrote:


A little while ago you were talking about being able to earn titles and Whatnot after playing through Multiplayer in Lost Planet 2, like "Shotgun King" or "Super Ninja" etc. is this a little like the CoD Modern Warfare 2 Titles? Where if you complete a certain criteria you get a title that shows what you can do? If so, Will the community by any chance, be able to come up with some crazy titles before the full game is released?

I mean Most of them would still be a secret, but there could be like 9 or 10 titles thought up by the community. Pretty Please with a Sticky Grenade on top? InnocentLaughingTongue outCoolInnocent

Oh, and happy 2010! (Wow I'm late...)


They also have Emblems to pick from:


Basically, they put both parts together to make this:


like MW2?  i think you mean SFIV! Laughing


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Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Jan 07, 2010 - 6:41PM #583
Posts: 977

Yeah, Street Fighter IV did it before Modern Warfare 2.

10 years ago  ::  Jan 08, 2010 - 5:12PM #584
Posts: 2,074

Are there going to be any Female Snow Pirates that you can play as sometime during the Campaign?

Have a question? Send me a Message!
Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Jan 08, 2010 - 9:19PM #585
Posts: 12,862

Jan 8, 2010 -- 5:12PM, Deaco wrote:

Are there going to be any Female Snow Pirates that you can play as sometime during the Campaign?

Snow said there will be both male and female customizations so yes, there should be female Snow Pirates.

"My young seeds once again,
will look up to the sky,
And I know they will grow strong..."       
"insert long post here when I have time to write it."
"Stay Tuned."- Sven

Call me the Capcomrade!
10 years ago  ::  Jan 08, 2010 - 9:36PM #586
Posts: 2,074

Jan 8, 2010 -- 9:19PM, RagingDemon015 wrote:

Jan 8, 2010 -- 5:12PM, Deaco wrote:

Are there going to be any Female Snow Pirates that you can play as sometime during the Campaign?

Snow said there will be both male and female customizations so yes, there should be female Snow Pirates.

I know that but I mean a whole Episode devoted to a faction of Female Snow pirates, like in Episode 2, you play as NeVeC, but in Episode X you play as a group of female snow Pirates.

Have a question? Send me a Message!
Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2010 - 6:13PM #587
Posts: 31

How difficult is this game going to be? What annoys me about games today is that they are no doubt fun and have all these excellent features, but they're just so easy. Assassin's Creed 2 is an example.


So can we change the difficulty to killing a Category G with one bullet to running away from a small akrid because it needs 150 bullets and kills in one hit? (Obviously over exaggerated, but you know ;))

10 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2010 - 9:39PM #588
Posts: 542

Jan 9, 2010 -- 6:13PM, C4SINO wrote:

How difficult is this game going to be? What annoys me about games today is that they are no doubt fun and have all these excellent features, but they're just so easy. Assassin's Creed 2 is an example.


So can we change the difficulty to killing a Category G with one bullet to running away from a small akrid because it needs 150 bullets and kills in one hit? (Obviously over exaggerated, but you know ;))

since the campaign has 4player co-op im sure hoping that the difficulty can be set to different levels, and im really hoping that difficulty levels arent how fast your t-eng drains. otherwise this games going to be very easy to run through and will just be eye-candy. not that, thats a horrible thing but who wants to play through a campaign several times with friends when theres no real challenge.

i dont think thats going to be the case though, and i fully expect to run through the campaign several times with a full group of 3friends.

10 years ago  ::  Jan 10, 2010 - 12:59AM #589
Posts: 4,873

Just got in from CES in Vegas. Stopping in to see what's up. 

Jan 8, 2010 -- 9:36PM, Deaco wrote:

Jan 8, 2010 -- 9:19PM, RagingDemon015 wrote:

Jan 8, 2010 -- 5:12PM, Deaco wrote:

Are there going to be any Female Snow Pirates that you can play as sometime during the Campaign?

Snow said there will be both male and female customizations so yes, there should be female Snow Pirates.

 I know that but I mean a whole Episode devoted to a faction of Female Snow pirates, like in Episode 2, you play as NeVeC, but in Episode X you play as a group of female snow Pirates.

So, there's not an episode that ties into the story with an all female faction. But, if that's what you're looking for you won't be disappointed. There's a lot to the multiplayer online battle system we still have yet to reveal, and there's going to be something right along these lines for you... 

Jan 9, 2010 -- 6:13PM, C4SINO wrote:

How difficult is this game going to be? What annoys me about games today is that they are no doubt fun and have all these excellent features, but they're just so easy. Assassin's Creed 2 is an example.

So can we change the difficulty to killing a Category G with one bullet to running away from a small akrid because it needs 150 bullets and kills in one hit? (Obviously over exaggerated, but you know ;))

Yea, the difficulty of the game really depends on you. First, your own skill. Second, how many players or AI you have helping you. And third, the difficulty of the game you set it on. 

So, to put it at it's hardest, you could basically turn off all partners, play only by yourself, and bump the difficulty up to the highest (once you unlock that difficulty). 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
10 years ago  ::  Jan 11, 2010 - 1:52AM #590
Posts: 1,366

Snow... the cheaters are back on colonies. Can you tell us if we can ban those guys in 2 by reporting to you instead of Microsoft. 

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