Snow... the cheaters are back on colonies. Can you tell us if we can ban those guys in 2 by reporting to you instead of Microsoft.
You still need to report cheating on Xbox LIVE to Microsoft. We make the game, yes, but the game utilizes the online servers and functions owned by Microsoft. That said, we have no access to the servers, no ability to ban users, and no way of seeing cheaters. Sorry.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
After seeing this  I am wondering, can we get a metal outfit... or something with spikes? www.metal-rules.com/zine/images/stories/... and how about a headbanging taunt to rock it out after killing somebody?  media.ign.com/boards/images/icons3/megam... Pleaaaaase? 
Snow... the cheaters are back on colonies. Can you tell us if we can ban those guys in 2 by reporting to you instead of Microsoft.
You still need to report cheating on Xbox LIVE to Microsoft. We make the game, yes, but the game utilizes the online servers and functions owned by Microsoft. That said, we have no access to the servers, no ability to ban users, and no way of seeing cheaters. Sorry.
Than please god don't let LP2 be a cross platform game -_-;
Hey Snow I have a few quick questions. I was watching one of your Akrid X interviews and you were saying something about some of the ? boxes containing credits that can be used to purchase stuff. Will these purchasable things be only obtainable through the credit system and are credits obtainable through both single and multiplayer? Also was it an exaggeration when you said that there are hundreds (as in more than 200) taunts that you can unlock and choose from?
PSN: callmeJackz Steam: callmeJackz http://www.youtube.com/callmejackz
Hey Snow I have a few quick questions. I was watching one of your Akrid X interviews and you were saying something about some of the ? boxes containing credits that can be used to purchase stuff. Will these purchasable things be only obtainable through the credit system and are credits obtainable through both single and multiplayer? Also was it an exaggeration when you said that there are hundreds (as in more than 200) taunts that you can unlock and choose from?
First question, it's only in Campaign, unless they add the Lvled Unlocks again like the original,
Second Question, idk.
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Will there be online multiplayer battles against 2 teams, BUT....with an Akrid throw into the mix as a distraction that both teams, even though they are fighting each other, have to take down as well....sort of work together to take down as well as try to win the match for their team?
This would be great, I was thinking the same the other day....
That will add some spice to the game!
Xbox Live Gamertag: MegaErick
^^ That would be sweet but... the rocket sled did work on training facility...
Oh also, in LP1 there was a VS. that worked as a "rocket sled" but now that there is no snow, no pun intended lol, will there be a VS. that will replace that for the now dry lands of LP2? Like a motorcycle type of VS.
The EVAX from Lost Planet 1 works on any surface, not just snow. That said, if it returns in Lost Planet 2, you can expect to do a ton of jetting around no matter what the terrain. 
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Oh also, in LP1 there was a VS. that worked as a "rocket sled" but now that there is no snow, no pun intended lol, will there be a VS. that will replace that for the now dry lands of LP2? Like a motorcycle type of VS.
The EVAX from Lost Planet 1 works on any surface, not just snow. That said, if it returns in Lost Planet 2, you can expect to do a ton of jetting around no matter what the terrain. 
I don't know if you know this, but will it still need the throttle? Cus it was annoying to hold down a while trying to steer. I never really like throttle buttons for vehicles in video games.
GT: Gonzogamer X
Hmmm I noticed that when using the shield that was shown at TGS 2009 you seem to be walking slooooow with it when activated. I can see myself NOT using it much walking at 2 miles per hour lol Not to say it wont come in handy because its useful when covering your teammates as they fire at enemies but are you able to to maneuver faster with it when activated? oh an heres the vid to show example:
I'm all for being slower with the shield out, but he has a point, maybe it could be a tweaked just a little faster?
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest