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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Dec 30, 2009 - 11:08PM #541
Posts: 1,483

 The issue behind some of the "tricks" and behind the roll through explosions is that there is no training to do it, and they make you invulnerable.  But there are problems with it.

 If everyone "can do it" then why is it that it doesn't work the same for everyone.

 In Lost planet 1 on ps3, my breaking point was when me and another person on my team through gum grenades at enemy player.  My gum hit him, then a moment later, my allies grenade landed just in front of him.  He rolled towards the other grenade.  My grenade went off, and then the other grenade went off.

 Two different moments in his roll, with grenades that should blow each other up when they go off.  And yet they went off at different times, and neither grenade even hit him let alone kill him like they should have.

 While invincible moments of rolls are appropriate when you get stunned by gun fire, it isn't appropriate to make someone immortal.  And far too many players didn't spend all their time rolling, they barely spent any time rolling, but they would still roll occasionally and not die for half the match.  Until someone ran them down with a VS, they lived through all attacks.

 With latency, and no explanation about what the roll is actually doing and how and when, it made the roll a very unusable gameplay mechanic for most people.

 Glitches with making yourself dissapeare even temporarily are a bad part of games.  Gameplay issues that do not work the same for each player even when in the same situation are not appropriate.  If you have same gear, same prep, same life, same connection, and do the same thing, why does it work for one person and not for another?

 I would prefer the roll only work against gun fire and that explosions work appropriately, thus meaning grenading someone and them not getting far enough away should kill them, whether they are rolling or not.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 12:34AM #542
Posts: 291

I can't speak on the PS3 version as I've never played it, but I think that may have been lag.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 4:05AM #543
Posts: 1,366

Dec 30, 2009 -- 6:50PM, Deaco wrote:

Oh got another Question Snow, if you have a shield, and then unequip so it will just be on your back, could it deflect gunfire that hit the general area of the shield thats pretty much just blocking a good 2/3 of your back?

Yeah i tough of that to. man that would be lovely. but i hope it will also mean you can carry one less weapon.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 7:45AM #544
Posts: 754

Okay I've had colonies and the original and I never found the invincible during roll thing. I mean I roll out of rocket and nades also, but never had invincibility.

Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 8:25AM #545
Posts: 1,366

if you do it at the right time you will come out of it pretty mush un harmed if your a bit late you will get damage if your to late you need to wait until you re-spawn again since your game over.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 11:27AM #546
Posts: 261

Dec 31, 2009 -- 8:25AM, maiky-nisute wrote:

if you do it at the right time you will come out of it pretty much un harmed if your a bit late you will get damage if your to late you need to wait until you re-spawn again since your game over.


Haha, well said.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 12:39PM #547
Posts: 137

I'll comment on every released mobility style and physical status in the game. I wrote the multiplayer guide for Lost Planet: Extreme Condition and have a very solid understanding of game mechanics.

Physical Status

1. Stutter

Visual Description: The character model jerks to a standing position.
Primary cause: Machine gun fire, weak energy gun blasts
Alternate cause: Powerful single hits (rifle shots, long-range shotgun blasts)
Effects: The target freezes in place and loses the ability to fire for an extremely brief period of time. The machine gun can stunlock targets and disable them completely, although this is difficult.

2. Knockback

Visual Description: The character model takes a forced step backwards and arches its back.
Primary Cause: Non-lethal explosions
Alternate Cause: N/A
Effects: The target is forced into a more powerful version of stutter. They lose the ability to do anything until the animation is completed. They are rendered vulnerable throughout the animation, which lasts approximately three seconds.

3. Stumble

Visual Description: The target is sent stumbling in a fixed direction.
Primary Cause: Non-lethal explosions
Alternate Cause: N/A
Effects: Stumble is the mobile alternate to knockback. The character is forced to endur a slightly shorter animation (Approx: two seconds) and is unable to change direction mid-animation. They are rendered vulnerable throughout the animation.

4. Knockdown

Visual Description: The target is flipped onto their back.
Primary Cause: Shotgun blasts, explosions
Alternate Cause: Physical contact with vital suits and akrid
Effects: The character is knocked down. They are invulnerable to all forms of damage with exception to environmental effects (lava, great heights) but are unable to perform any actions until the lengthy animation has been completed (Approx: four seconds). This status sets them up for follow-up actions and is a severe disadvantage.

5. Freeze-lock

Visual Description: The target is rendered completely immobile despite its violent spasms
Primary Cause: Plasma grenades, EM laser
Alternate Cause: N/A
Effects: The character is locked into an upright position for around two seconds. While follow up attacks are difficult to initiate by the original combatant the target can be continuously stun-locked with electrical / laser attacks.

Mobility Styles

1. Standing: No advantage. Induction of status effects is exempt from stumble.

2. Crouching: Decreased hit box. Accuracy is more manageable. Grenades can be thrown more rapidly. Induction of status effects is exempt from stumble.

3. Walking: No advantage. Induction of status effects is unlimited.

4. Running: Higher mobility. Induction of status effects is unlimited.

5. Crouch walking: Decreased hit box. Slow, quiet, tactical movement. Accuracy is more manageable. Induction of status effects is unlimited.

6. Rolling: Decreased hit box. The first half of the animation provides immunity. The second half results in the character taking double damage. Accuracy is difficult to maintain. Induction of status effects is negated during the first half. Induction of status effects is unlimited during the second half.

7. Jumping: Increased mobility. Allows heavy weapons to be fired without remaining stationary. Disables the use of grenades and vital suit weapons. Induction of status effects is limited to knockdown.

8. Grapple suspension: Various uses. Induction of status effects is limited to knockdown.

9. Grapple pull: Increased vertical and horizontal mobility. Induction of status effects is limited to knockdown.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 7:37PM #548
Posts: 650

Dec 31, 2009 -- 7:45AM, Jwhude wrote:

Okay I've had colonies and the original and I never found the invincible during roll thing. I mean I roll out of rocket and nades also, but never had invincibility.

Yeah you did.  You are invincible at the beginning of your roll.  I just don't think you should be able to roll everything.  The the energy gun and homing laser yeah but everything else (especially when you stick a guy with a nade) should not be rollable.  It turns the game into, roll, shoot, roll, shoot, roll, shoot...

10 years ago  ::  Dec 31, 2009 - 11:09PM #549
Posts: 197

Happy New year   

Ohh also I have a question when you make a character can you change the gender at any time.  

PSN: Shieldrun27   
MH3: HR 60
code: to lazy to look -_-
10 years ago  ::  Jan 01, 2010 - 5:53AM #550
Posts: 1,366

nope sins if some one starts to do that you just need to shoot them in regularly (shooting slightly before they shoot) or as i so often do is throw a nade far ahead of the direction where they are rolling to making them roll in to it meaning they will stumble or re-spawned.

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