ok first of im new here :) and i hope these questions werent already asked because there was a lot to read. 1) how will the custimization work? will it be like just add diffrent suit pieces on or full customization? 2) is there going to be a akrid hunter and if so what kinds of akrid can we be? (sorry of any of these were talked about yet) 3)what kind of new vs are there besides the ones we have see? 4) how many new akrid are there?
JOHN 1091 is xbox account jtdr2 is psn accunt. 1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number. Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. http://www.capcom-unity.com/john103091 is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)
ah cool i see. well i hope there is a akrid hunter because i want to play as that cool little raptor akrid in the demo. sweet heicoppters i can see it already..
JOHN 1091 is xbox account jtdr2 is psn accunt. 1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number. Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. http://www.capcom-unity.com/john103091 is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)
ok first of im new here :) and i hope these questions werent already asked because there was a lot to read.
1) how will the custimization work? will it be like just add diffrent suit pieces on or full customization?
2) is there going to be a akrid hunter and if so what kinds of akrid can we be?
(sorry of any of these were talked about yet)
3)what kind of new vs are there besides the ones we have see?
4) how many new akrid are there?
as far as we know, customization is piece by piece(head, arms, body, etc)
For multiplayer info it's kinda unclear still
They said a lot, i heard of flying helicopters =)
as far as the eye can see XD
I think that there might have been info that you can also change colors or some pieces in ways. But I haven't kept any article archived, as well as the customization is still mostly under wraps. The best info we can mention is that you customize your character and can use it in all modes looking like that. You customize your weapon loadout and will use that most of the time, though this may be subject to change dependant on efficiency of the system. You can eventually learn basic "perks" like activating data posts faster. But this is preliminary information. It will likely be in final game as a system, but how much it covers has not been reported to us. As for what clothing you customize, I believe they say regularly, Head, Chest, Legs, and backpack.
i am wondering about the glitches - viz., rolling out of rockets, dropping a vs weapon to avoid damage, etc. i found them to be very crude and unskillful. are they staying, or if you hit someone with a rocket that's that?
at first i found the frank west skin to be a distraction - but now he's probably the most popular. i was wondering if there might be another Capcom character for multi? maybe ryu or megaman!?! Cheers
i am wondering about the glitches - viz., rolling out of rockets, dropping a vs weapon to avoid damage, etc. i found them to be very crude and unskillful. are they staying, or if you hit someone with a rocket that's that?
Well, you can still roll grenades, so there's a good chance you'll still be able to roll rockets. I am wondering about how the new Standby mode of VSes will work though.
at first i found the frank west skin to be a distraction - but now he's probably the most popular. i was wondering if there might be another Capcom character for multi? maybe ryu or megaman!?! Cheers
Well currently the only one I know of is Wesker from Resident Evil as a pre-order special, but thats all that has been released so far. 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
at first i found the frank west skin to be a distraction - but now he's probably the most popular. i was wondering if there might be another Capcom character for multi? maybe ryu or megaman!?! Cheers
Well currently the only one I know of is Wesker from Resident Evil as a pre-order special, but thats all that has been released so far.
I'm sure we'll get more then that but like you said, that's all we know for now. I would LOVE to see Mega Man again this time around.
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
i am wondering about the glitches - viz., rolling out of rockets, dropping a vs weapon to avoid damage, etc. i found them to be very crude and unskillful. are they staying, or if you hit someone with a rocket that's that?
THAT, would SUCK!!!!
IDK, I'm in the mindframe that those little quirks are what make LP, well, LP.