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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Dec 14, 2009 - 8:57AM #461
Posts: 708

Dec 13, 2009 -- 10:28PM, Seventy_X_Seven wrote:

Dec 13, 2009 -- 10:19PM, AriesWarlock wrote:

I don't know if somebody else has asked this, but is there going to be a VS that can actually stand up to to a fully armed PTX-140? I mean, if you go up against it with a GTT-01 more likely you'll get owned. For reference:

Hopefully. Maybe I'm just not the greatest LP player every, but currently my only defense against a Hardballer is the energy gun or hide until the pilot runs out of T-ENG.

Indeed. You notice the largest number of people complaining about PTX-140 in Lost Coast. I mean the side that's closest to the underwater cave get two of these, they get shotguns and grenade launcher. You go up the mountain and start killing. Seriously, I have probably gotten 10+ kill streaks and won the match. I can only defend myself with a spider and let others kill the VS because after the spider is down I am running for my life.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 14, 2009 - 5:36PM #462
Posts: 137

Dec 13, 2009 -- 10:28PM, Seventy_X_Seven wrote:

Dec 13, 2009 -- 10:19PM, AriesWarlock wrote:

I don't know if somebody else has asked this, but is there going to be a VS that can actually stand up to to a fully armed PTX-140? I mean, if you go up against it with a GTT-01 more likely you'll get owned. For reference:

Hopefully. Maybe I'm just not the greatest LP player every, but currently my only defense against a Hardballer is the energy gun or hide until the pilot runs out of T-ENG.

I wrote the multiplayer guide on Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. You can use the guide as a reference.

Hardballers (PTX-140) are lethal in their versatility. They match the speed of the Evax, nearly double the anti-gravitational capabilities of a Drio and have the second strongest armor of all vital suits. A brandished VS saw can also one-shot infantry.

Vital Suits
No Vital Suit can truly match the offensive prowess of the Hardballer when both vital suits are equally equipped.

1. Turn the tide of battle in your favor by better equipping your vital suit. Adequete preparation is key to success.

2. Utilize signature attacks. The Cakti drill can heavily dent a Hardballer with little cost to personal survivability. The Haze has the most powerful signature in the game. Its stomp can kill most pilots in two hits.

3. Use the Cakti. It has extremely high defense and packs a stong punch with its cannon.


1. Eject the pilot with a fully charged energy gun blast.
2. Eject the pilot with an energy grenade.
3. Joltlock the pilot with an EM laser.
4. Snipe the pilot with a VS Rifle.
5. Strike the pilot with rockets, VS rockets, hand cannon missiles, plasma cannon blasts, grenade launcher explosions or rocket pod salvos.
6. Spam the pilot with dummy grenades.
7. Joltlock the pilot with plasma grenades and run away.
8. Snipe the pilot with a plasma gun.
9. Run away.
10. Shoot the pilot in the knees w/any weapon. Utilize the grenade shot whenever possible.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 14, 2009 - 5:43PM #463
Posts: 261

How long after the DLC maps debuted for the first game did they become free?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 14, 2009 - 6:07PM #464
Posts: 957

Dec 14, 2009 -- 5:43PM, Ender wrote:

How long after the DLC maps debuted for the first game did they become free?

if i remember right it was 1 or 2 months.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 14, 2009 - 6:21PM #465
Posts: 31

Dec 12, 2009 -- 8:36AM, Kaeporo wrote:

Dec 11, 2009 -- 6:44PM, C4SINO wrote:

How smart are the enemy pirates? Will they try to suppress and flank you, or just run to the same spot every time and not move?

How smart are the enemy pirates? Will they try to suppress and flank you, or just stand there while you shoot at them?


It didn't need to be "Fixed", I meant what I said. The pirates in this game spawn at data posts once you kill them (like in MP), so that's what I meant, will the spawn at the data post and run to the spot they just got killed at (like in CoD: WaW). Nice try at being smart though.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 15, 2009 - 5:06AM #466
Posts: 214

Snow-sama is the lost planet universe in the same universe as monster hunter could the two ever collide or team up?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
I have officially renamed Super StreetFighter 4 it shall now be called Ultra StreetFighter II: 2.3D Edition.
Guile is stronger then Chuck Norris how? Chuck Norris can't throw someone so hard it resets the universe.
10 years ago  ::  Dec 15, 2009 - 2:40PM #467
Posts: 4,873

Dec 15, 2009 -- 5:06AM, Yashichi wrote:

Snow-sama is the lost planet universe in the same universe as monster hunter could the two ever collide or team up?

Same universe...? Well, they're all in our Capcom Universe, but not sure if the LP team and MH team would ever say if it's in the same universe. 

And could they ever collide? I mean, the Hardballer (Ivan) just collided in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom! Anything is possible. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
10 years ago  ::  Dec 15, 2009 - 3:40PM #468
Posts: 2,074

Have you guys finalized what the Tag-line is going to be? I haven't heard it yet. Frown

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I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Dec 15, 2009 - 3:47PM #469
Posts: 1,366

Is the release-date less than 2 month away now?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 15, 2009 - 3:52PM #470
Posts: 4,873

Dec 15, 2009 -- 3:40PM, Deaco wrote:

Have you guys finalized what the Tag-line is going to be? I haven't heard it yet. Frown

You'll hear it soon enough.

Dec 15, 2009 -- 3:47PM, maiky-nisute wrote:

Is the release-date less than 2 month away now?

I hate repeating myself, but yet again, I'll say it. Once we have a date to announce, we'll make sure you fans know about it.

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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