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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Dec 10, 2009 - 10:30PM #441
Posts: 718

Deaco: Is that so? thats great! 8D

and yeah lest hope they can do that, I find games so much more fun with multiplayer but dont like playing online very mcuh so that'd be awesome!

10 years ago  ::  Dec 10, 2009 - 11:25PM #442
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

Dec 10, 2009 -- 10:26PM, kareem wrote:

Hey Snow i got some questions im hoping u'll answer.

1. will u be able to move if ur geting shot at for competitve multiplayer unlike LP1

I think that the hit animations will be pretty much the same, you can see them in the multiplayer videos.

2. will maps from LP1 be in LP2

Some most likely will be carried over.

3. will there be somekind of real puase button for single player

Probably, if you are playing alone.

4. will there be DLC skins,maps,tuants ect...

There have been no announced plans for DLC, but it isn't out of the question.

5. for the wesker skin by pre order will there be any other capcom characters joining the game for online like i would like to see Leon,Chris,Jill,Frank West,Megaman ESPESCIALLY!!!,bionic commando (would make sense becuase of the grapple hook),SF Guile,Ryu,Dark Void (good for advertisment),Captain Commando(PLEAZE!!!!)ect...

Once again, no news on this as well. I doubt there would be nearly that many characters anyways.

6. how will our customizable characters be or show for cutscenes in single player like CGI cutscenes ect...

Custom characters will show up in cutscenes.

7.will we be able to customize guns and VS's like attachment and skins

No VS customization as of yet, you can choose what guns you want to use.

8. how many player online vs match for competitive play

Not known, best guess is 16 again.

9. is there anyway to make the camera not come up close to ur character when u sprint

Probably not

10. will the new grapple hook skillz be affective for competitve online play like lets say i see a enemy on the other team whos in a VS press square and hold to shoot the grapple hook will i be able to stick on to his VS and shoot him while stuck on shooting his VS from the inside out

Most likely

11. if people are playing lets say 2 player co op could 2 other players join during the game?

Not sure if Co-op is drop-in-drop-out

12. will there be any flying akrid boss fights like a giant moth or something

No idea. Only confirmed boss fights are the first three.

13.  how long do u think this game can last someone months,years ect...

Honestly, there is very little info to base this off of. I suppose with the co-op, character unlocks, and multiplayer it should last quite a long time.

14. will there be any type of team moves like lets say when the battle guage reaches like 10000 all 4 players will get infinite T-Eng for a period of time or maybe invincibility or each character can move twice as fast,infinite ammo, longer grapple hook reach ect.. i think this would be a good addition to the game for more co op teamwork then ever for co op and competitve

We know very little about multiplayer. However, the bonuses you describe could be similar to the "perks" that will be in the  game.

15. will there be any human or VS boss fights other then akrid

Probably. But it is unknown

16. will the online servers work really well

Too early to tell.

17. will capcom send us online updates in the game for things like DLC,updates, ect...

Too early to tell.

18. when will u guys release the real box art for the game


19. will all the glitches and bugs and problems like AI,going through enemys,enemys death animation, water effects, salamander glitches ect... be fully fixed in the final version

Most likely

20. hows the progress of the game so far?

Based off of the screenshots and videos, it is fairly far along.

Thats all my questions plz answer them and plz if u can message me when u have


That sure is a lot of questions. I'm not snow, but I figured most of those questions could be answered easily, or wouldn't get an answer, because Snow simply can't yet. I could be wrong.

GT: Gonzogamer X
10 years ago  ::  Dec 11, 2009 - 6:44PM #443
Posts: 31

How smart are the enemy pirates? Will they try to suppress and flank you, or just run to the same spot every time and not move?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 11, 2009 - 8:45PM #444
Posts: 754

Only Snow knows.

Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
10 years ago  ::  Dec 11, 2009 - 9:53PM #445
infra red011
Posts: 142

Is their is gonna be any new info on LP2 at the VGAs tommorow?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 11, 2009 - 10:12PM #446
Posts: 119

I know you probably can't answer this now, but when you can, please tell us what the alternate option(s) for the Energy Gun will be!! I'm really looking forward to that. =)

10 years ago  ::  Dec 11, 2009 - 11:26PM #447
Posts: 261
10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 12:40AM #448
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

Dec 11, 2009 -- 11:26PM, Ender wrote:

Dec 10, 2009 -- 11:25PM, Kill it with fire! wrote:

No idea. Only confirmed boss fights are the first three.


I don't know about that.>>

 There is that, but I think that will be a mid-way boss in the first level, judging from the jungle/water look.

GT: Gonzogamer X
10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 6:30AM #449
Posts: 387

And possibly the giant trilid.

Maybe it was just for the concept art, but imagine how sweet it would be to have a huge fight in the helicopter VS's against that thing. If so it'd have to be a mid-way battle in the first episode, since Gordiant has been confirmed to be the last stage of Episode 1.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 8:36AM #450
Posts: 137

Dec 11, 2009 -- 6:44PM, C4SINO wrote:

How smart are the enemy pirates? Will they try to suppress and flank you, or just run to the same spot every time and not move?

How smart are the enemy pirates? Will they try to suppress and flank you, or just stand there while you shoot at them?


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