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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 12:37PM #451
Posts: 387

Are you just making that up or did someone confirm this to you? I'm trying to look at it as a trilid up close but I can't see it. Anyways, even if it was just an upclose trilid that doesn't change the fact that a mega-trilid would be awesome.

Edit: Looked at it again, his second wing on the left goes behind the tree, so he can't be close up. But it is only concept art.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 5:49PM #452
infra red011
Posts: 142

Even though I highly doubt this, will we be seeing the Anti VS Rifle that we saw in a cutscene from LP1?

Personally I think that this would be a great weapon to add to the game, though I dont think that we will be seeing it.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 6:26PM #453
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

Dec 12, 2009 -- 5:49PM, infra red011 wrote:

Even though I highly doubt this, will we be seeing the Anti VS Rifle that we saw in a cutscene from LP1?

Personally I think that this would be a great weapon to add to the game, though I dont think that we will be seeing it.

I forget what the rifle in the cutscene was like, but in Colonies there was the VS rifle, which was awesome, and will be in LP2 with the addition of a scope.

GT: Gonzogamer X
10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 6:42PM #454
Posts: 1,483

Dec 12, 2009 -- 12:37PM, Seventy_X_Seven wrote:

Are you just making that up or did someone confirm this to you? I'm trying to look at it as a trilid up close but I can't see it. Anyways, even if it was just an upclose trilid that doesn't change the fact that a mega-trilid would be awesome.

Edit: Looked at it again, his second wing on the left goes behind the tree, so he can't be close up. But it is only concept art.

 Check your closest game where you can see normal trillid.  Pay attention to the wingspan and specifically the gaps between wings.  There is hardly any gap, it's wings end to end, no space in between.  Now look at the alleged mega trillid.  Each wing has a huge gap between it and the next.  It must be bigger.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 12, 2009 - 6:43PM #455
Posts: 4,549

Dec 12, 2009 -- 6:42PM, Roy wrote:

Dec 12, 2009 -- 12:37PM, Seventy_X_Seven wrote:

Are you just making that up or did someone confirm this to you? I'm trying to look at it as a trilid up close but I can't see it. Anyways, even if it was just an upclose trilid that doesn't change the fact that a mega-trilid would be awesome.

Edit: Looked at it again, his second wing on the left goes behind the tree, so he can't be close up. But it is only concept art.

 Check your closest game where you can see normal trillid.  Pay attention to the wingspan and specifically the gaps between wings.  There is hardly any gap, it's wings end to end, no space in between.  Now look at the alleged mega trillid.  Each wing has a huge gap between it and the next.  It must be bigger.

Snow has already stated in a perivous thread that is Trillid is just Concept art and nothing more

10 years ago  ::  Dec 13, 2009 - 3:30PM #456
Posts: 387

I remember reading something in a preview that said something along the line of the actions  you take early on can make a big difference in the events later on. For example if you push over a bolder it will have some sort of effect on the game later. Can you explain this more?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 13, 2009 - 4:17PM #457
Posts: 1,366

Snow is there anything you can answer now of my list of questions i gave you twice here?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 13, 2009 - 10:19PM #458
Posts: 708

I don't know if somebody else has asked this, but is there going to be a VS that can actually stand up to to a fully armed PTX-140? I mean, if you go up against it with a GTT-01 more likely you'll get owned. For reference:

10 years ago  ::  Dec 13, 2009 - 10:28PM #459
Posts: 387

Dec 13, 2009 -- 10:19PM, AriesWarlock wrote:

I don't know if somebody else has asked this, but is there going to be a VS that can actually stand up to to a fully armed PTX-140? I mean, if you go up against it with a GTT-01 more likely you'll get owned. For reference:

Hopefully. Maybe I'm just not the greatest LP player every, but currently my only defense against a Hardballer is the energy gun or hide until the pilot runs out of T-ENG.

10 years ago  ::  Dec 14, 2009 - 1:05AM #460
Posts: 1,366

oh come on the biggest weak-spot of the VS is Dummy gradates that always explode at the ideal hight "the knees" i can easily down it with 4 good placed dummies 

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