Yeah I've had a PSP for quite awhile now. Fab told me how great it was because of the things you can do with it...:rolleyes: I dont know you :p
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
I dont know you :p Fab sold me on mine too... Except he didn't tell me not to update it so I can play certain old and slightly illegal games on it I'm not allowed to speak of in this forum...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Fab sold me on mine too... Except he didn't tell me not to update it so I can play certain old and slightly illegal games on it I'm not allowed to speak of in this forum... I dont know you either.
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
Fab sold me on mine too... Except he didn't tell me not to update it so I can play certain old and slightly illegal games on it I'm not allowed to speak of in this forum... Oy! j00 phail @ teh inconspicousness! :rolleyes:
Wait...isn't elite langauge not allowed here? ****.
Sorry, I won't do it again. :eek:
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Oy! j00 phail @ teh inconspicousness! :rolleyes:
Wait...isn't elite langauge not allowed here? ****.
Sorry, I won't do it again. :eek: i don't feel offended please do continue your broadening of the vocabulary.
i don't feel offended please do continue your broadening of the vocabulary. Yeah, but I ended up reading the whole terms thing when Nubbin posted a warning to someone and saw that "elite language" is not allowed. That's why I said that at the end. :rolleyes:
Anyway, http://kotaku.com/359502/xbla-bionic-co … strictions...another way M$ is screwing themselves. The PS3 may not have all the features the 360 has...yet...but, it's free to play online, which is what we're really paying for on the 360 since the silver members get everything else the gold members have. So M$ can't say the money is for improved service because the silver aren't paying jack and get the same. Nobody is paying anything to play on Sony's system and they're still trying to catch it up with the 360's. If they still end up not charging, that'd be a big "OOOOOOOOH!" in M$'s face. So, my real point about the money thing was that M$ is gimping their system with no HDD standard support (which I'm only saying is dumb because the games that would benefit won't use it because supposedly not everybody has a HDD...which I don't think they should worry about that because those who got the arcade/core 360 probably aren't in need of a game that needs an HDD to really play. And the link I provided from kotaku.com is just to show how idiotic it is to limit the file size. Sony's PS3 and PSP just make me feel like they're so...unrestrained.
Another kotaku.com link --> http://kotaku.com/359332/fox-news-headl … aby-to-die
Can this get any more rediculous? I'm serious, Fox needs to go back in its hole. That Jack Thompson guy isn't making things much better. He's a real arse. I bet he picked up a game and got it handed to him by some kid and is sore because of it. Now he's blaming everything on games. Need to start just blaming it on the people because there are ratings on there. At least, that's what the ESRB is for. But all they can really do is provide a guideline to help parents make decisions on whether a game is good for little Timmy or not. If a parent lets their kid(s) play Grand Theft Auto, they should point out things to help them steer clear of actually doing that stuff in real life. Most normal, sane people with a conscience and common sense would know that they shouldn't imitate anything on a violent game...much like they should've known when they watched Loony Toons or Tom & Jerry. OOOOOOOOOOOH! You know how many times that cat got his tail chopped up into small pieces by that mouse or some other dumb stuff he did? Seriously! Blame the cartoons, too! Look at the Simpsons with their Itchy & Scratchy segments (which is basically a knock off of the aforementioned Tom & Jerry) and see how crazy that is. They still have stuff like that on TV today. Every media type, whether it be music, movies, cartoons or video games, has a "bad" side. It's all about how the person processes it. Obviously, Jack Thompson has some kind of personal vendetta against video games in general. Does he know that the army actually aided in the creation of a game as a simulation to provide training for recruits or anyone interested in becoming one?
Anyway, the PixelJunk Demo is fun. I may actually buy it. :cool:
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Pixeljunk Monsters is awesome. Coop is even better but too bad it's not online.
And thanks for the kotaku link on bionic commando. I'll get it on the ps3 for sure now.
Pixeljunk Monsters is awesome. Coop is even better but too bad it's not online.
And thanks for the kotaku link on bionic commando. I'll get it on the ps3 for sure now. No problem. I was gonna get it on the PS3 regardless, though. :rolleyes:
And that sucks that the co-op isn't online. I was hoping to play with you guys. 20 levels sounds kind of lame (I know, it's only $10) but I guess the difficulties may help. I'm gonna get it just because it seems really fun and it looks really good on my monitor. I even changed my PS3 theme to the PixelJunk Monsters theme with the guy you control on the screen with a rainbow.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
You'll be switching your theme to Lost Planet when that one hits the PSN. You know why? Well, you already know why. :D
PixelJunk Monsters is my newest addiction. I play it in bed before sleep. PSP remote play games are the shizzle. And yea, too bad co-op wasn't online... :(
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Oh yeah, Pixeljunk Monsters is one of those titles you can remote play. But jeez, these tower defense games are real time sinks.