Looks like it won't let me add you. I can browse alright but I guess you can't interact with others at all on this system. No PSN marketplace either.
Looks like it won't let me add you. I can browse alright but I guess you can't interact with others at all on this system. No PSN marketplace either. Why do you have a debug system?
Incase you do get it to work, my PSN ID is: Snow_Infernus
It's in my siggy.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
My friend's doing something in the videogame blogosphere, and considering the amount of PS3 games out there, hence his lending me the debug.
My friend's doing something in the videogame blogosphere, and considering the amount of PS3 games out there, hence his lending me the debug. Oh, ok cool. You getting a retail version eventually?
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Oh, ok cool. You getting a retail version eventually? Eventually is right. If you've read several of his comments, you can see he doesn't seem to see much reason to get one yet.
Here are my reasons for getting one now:
1) DMC4 will be better on it :D
2) MGS4, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, LittleBigPlanet, and Disgaea 3 I know for sure will not be going to the Xbox 360.
3) Other games I want coming soon and down the line.
4) Seems where at least two of my buddies are going. :rolleyes:
5) The best reason: What's left of the 60GB models won't be around for long.:eek:
$400-500 is a lot to throw down on a system without good reasons, so I see why hulot is like "nuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" lol. But at least he seems to find it interesting so far. Even though he's just using it to play PS2 games I think?
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Yea, I love my PS3. But I'm by no means abandoning my 360. I have small issues with each system, but overall each system has very good reasons to own one (IMO).
That's why I ended up with all three next-gen systems, and a DS. They all have strengths, and of course Capcom has games on or coming to them, that I do love or no doubt will love when they release. Nerd. :)
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Yea, I love my PS3. But I'm by no means abandoning my 360. I have small issues with each system, but overall each system has very good reasons to own one (IMO).
That's why I ended up with all three next-gen systems, and a DS. They all have strengths, and of course Capcom has games on or coming to them, that I do love or no doubt will love when they release. Nerd. :) I wouldn't feel like I could buy another system after getting the PS3 with my current job. But I'm just stick'n with it until I can get in where my mom and bro work. Then it'd be a matter of FINDING a Wii. You never can find one. Can't find freak'n Elites. It's like people are still trying to make it up to their kids who didn't get a Wii or 360 on christmas. It's really dumb. What's even dumb-er is that Nintendo can't make enough. They don't cost as much as PS3s and 360s. WTF? Somebody explain that to me. It's making them seem like real bastards because they're just toying with people. If they keep it up, Wiis will always be sold on ebay and break people. lol.
I'm thinking about going to get my PS3 tomorrow...maybe...I'll just have to feel broke (would be knocked down to somewhere around $1,500 in the bank afterwards) for awhile until my tax returns come in.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
I rented me some ratchet n klank.. Mechanic rodent with a robot buddy... its rite up my alley :p
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
Even though he's just using it to play PS2 games I think? Mostly Odin Sphere and whenever my other PS2 games come in. I did borrow Uncharted, Folklore, and Heavenly Sword. Beating Uncharted on the last difficulty now and might split my time between Folklore and the PS2 games. Guess which PS3 one I haven't really touched?
Yeah, I'll be getting a PS3 eventually, but with it, I think I'd have to get a PSP as well, to maximize its multimedia wi-fi mojoninja awesomeness.
So what exactly are the added features of having a PSP?
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter