Unfortunately, I think this generation has practically stifled any prospects for quirky games, what with cost of development so high. One would think the Wii'd have some but that market is flooded with minigames and casual junk and I'd have to say, of the two high-end systems, we're more likely to see quirky japanese games on the 360. At least it's got something like Earth Defense Force, or even Senko No Ronde. PS3's got Folklore and that's already sort of pushing what it means to be a niche japanese game.
Hello, Disgaea 3? That is a quirky japanese game. It's on the PS3. Boom, we got one. Valkyrie of the Battlefields doesn't look that quirky, but it's definantly no american title. I'm sure eventually there will be come great games coming along more like that.
hulot]I don't really get the grief over the 360's FPS image. Sure the biggest games are but have you played EDF or Senko, and heck, it even has real-time strategy. PS3 is definitely the better hardware, especially in its multimedia capabilities and compatibility, but software at the moment is just not there and what is is an even less amount of variety in its library.
Earth Defense Force and Senko no Ronde are not First Person Shooters. They're shooters, sure, but they aren't all like "check it! you can only see your gun!" and stuff. And yeah, software may not be there "yet" but it will be there. I know what's coming and what to expect, so I know that my purchase will be justified in the long run.
I don't really get the grief over the 360's FPS image. Sure the biggest games are but have you played EDF or Senko, and heck, it even has real-time strategy. PS3 is definitely the better hardware, especially in its multimedia capabilities and compatibility, but software at the moment is just not there and what is is an even less amount of variety in its library.[/quote] Earth Defense Force and Senko no Ronde are not First Person Shooters. They're shooters, sure, but they aren't all like "check it! you can only see your gun!" and stuff. And yeah, software may not be there "yet" but it will be there. I know what's coming and what to expect, so I know that my purchase will be justified in the long run.
hulot]Anyways, wherever Atlus goes, I'll be. Playing Odin Sphere at the moment and realizing that there just isn't anything on the next-gen market that has this feeling of being a worthwhile and complete game that so many PS2 ones had. Right now, just crossing my fingers for Operation Darkness to come overseas for the 360. Hitler, werewolves, nazis, and mechs = win
Atlus is indeed a good company. So is Nippon Ichi. But I don't see why they'd go to Microsoft's system, seeing as how it's american. They were mostly publishing/making games for the Playstation and Playstation 2. Where you think they're gonna go next? I'm betting the PS3. I just hope I'm right and they don't go on the Wii for some reason.  wrote:
Anyways, wherever Atlus goes, I'll be. Playing Odin Sphere at the moment and realizing that there just isn't anything on the next-gen market that has this feeling of being a worthwhile and complete game that so many PS2 ones had. Right now, just crossing my fingers for Operation Darkness to come overseas for the 360. Hitler, werewolves, nazis, and mechs = win[/quote] Atlus is indeed a good company. So is Nippon Ichi. But I don't see why they'd go to Microsoft's system, seeing as how it's american. They were mostly publishing/making games for the Playstation and Playstation 2. Where you think they're gonna go next? I'm betting the PS3. I just hope I'm right and they don't go on the Wii for some reason. And I'm pretty sure Operation of Darkness will come over seeing as how they allow you to buy the gamerpics and stuff on the marketplace. Doesn't make sense to give you that and not the game.
What I'm getting at here is that until it becomes more financially feasible to develop more quirky but risky games on next-gen systems, and even then, I think the 360 will be the lead platform to port from. Am I wrong in assuming that it's easier and cheaper to develop for the 360 than PS3? PS3'll have its big hits like MGS and FF but it'll be interesting to see how the bread and butter of PS2'll translate over. That's how developers could afford to put out niche titles; the PS2 had a huge install base and a game was bound to fish in some buyers.
And now the 360 has that advantage; so coupled with the previous issues, I'd say we might be seeing more niche titles on Microsoft's side. Culdcept 360 anyone? I mean, these are the niche titles that I loved on the PS2 that I bet no one will play on the 360 but that's their charm I suppose. PS3 for hardware and multimedia, sure hands down if you've got the setup to rock it and the wallet as well but I'd give it a few years before buying one myself. Wasn't actually going to buy a 360 either so soon but PS2 died and the Lost Planet single-player demo got released all factored in. I guess I'm really more of an impulse buyer when there's something worth buying than someone who plans for the future =P Heck, I might get a price cut out of it.
regardless if the 360 is easier/cheaper to develop for.. the user base in japan of the 360 is next to nothing... I think the smaller (japanese) developers will still be making games for the ps3, if not the wii, or just the DS and PSP.
Hopefully Sony will provide better support for development to 3rd party companies in the near future.. maybe then effecienty will be increased.
It's cook, hulot. Just kinda sucks you won't be available for recruitment in our new clan: Cracka Please!. I'm serious...k, maybe not. I was just messing around with Snow on Lost Planet the other day and was talking about how sad it is that the clan has basically disbanded. It'll only be a handful on the PS3, so we could start anew and get a new name. So I threw out Cracka Please! and Snow said "yeah, we should do that!", though, I think he was just playing along. But CP! would be cool. lol. We'll still play some games on the 360 and stuff. But I'm letting my Gold membership die when it expires until I get another reason to use it as the comming months are going to bring plenty of games to play without needing it. Well, depends on what system I get Grand Theft Auto 4 on. I hear it'll have online but it just depends. MGS4 and MGS online is gonna be fun, too. Just...yeah...fun times ahead.
Check that out, peeps. That's a review from someone for DMC4. It sounds EXACTLY how I wanted it to turn out. Well, sans the length. I wanted it to be at least 20 or 30 hours, but seems that won't be so. But I was right about the 360 controller feeling awkward when playing DMC4 as opposed to using the more familiar playstation controller.
If we do a secondary clan, I think it should be a cool name. Like ANBU; a name with a meaning. But something different. I dunno, if that comes to be, I'll let everyone else decide on that.
Are you guys getting DMC 4 besides Lucent and I?
I also can't remember... do any of you guys have a Wii, so we can play Brawl?
If we do a secondary clan, I think it should be a cool name. Like ANBU; a name with a meaning. But something different. I dunno, if that comes to be, I'll let everyone else decide on that.
Are you guys getting DMC 4 besides Lucent and I?
I also can't remember... do any of you guys have a Wii, so we can play Brawl?
I think Fab is getting DMC4 and hulot is choosing Culdcept Saga over it (which is ...weird. I 'm just hating on it cuz I didn't get it and the AI kicked my ***. But overall, DMC4 is just gonna pwn all).
And I think you're the only one with a Wii other than chaser. I'd get a Wii if there were more games I wanted. But as I said, Brawl is just one of maybe 3 or 4 games I want for the Wii right now.
I probably won't be picking up any new 360 games for bit (at least until my friend asks for his PS3 back); have a bunch of PS2 titles coming in soon. Got online working and have also been making some custom themes for the big black grill; what are your PSN tags, Fab, Snow? Won't be able to play online on a debug unit but I want to see if the friends list works.
How DMC4 feels with each controller all depends on who is playing. Once I master a game it doesn't matter what I play with. When I first played Ninja Gaiden Sigma, it felt weird and awkward playing with the PS3 controller. But that didn't affect my ninja skills in the least bit. Anyway I'll have both versions of DMC4 so I can write a review for my site.
Speaking of reviews, here's a funny quote from the PSM3 review.
"Devil May Cry 4 doesn't care about you. It doesn't even particularly like you. If it was your girlfriend, it'd stay out all night and never call, drink gin and dye it's hair pink, invite you to see it's band and then flirt with other boys right in front of you. It's going to do whatever it likes, and it isn't bothered with what you think of it. But you've got to admit, sometimes that's sort of hot".
How DMC4 feels with each controller all depends on who is playing. Once I master a game it doesn't matter what I play with. When I first played Ninja Gaiden Sigma, it felt weird and awkward playing with the PS3 controller. But that didn't affect my ninja skills in the least bit. Anyway I'll have both versions of DMC4 so I can write a review for my site.
Speaking of reviews, here's a funny quote from the PSM3 review.
"Devil May Cry 4 doesn't care about you. It doesn't even particularly like you. If it was your girlfriend, it'd stay out all night and never call, drink gin and dye it's hair pink, invite you to see it's band and then flirt with other boys right in front of you. It's going to do whatever it likes, and it isn't bothered with what you think of it. But you've got to admit, sometimes that's sort of hot".
I would get both versions but I don't make that kinda money and I'm just now getting a PS3. That, DMC4 Collector's Edition for the PS3, and my HDMI-DVI cable I just order off of ebay will hurt for a couple weeks. At least we have tax returns coming.
And I'm sure the controller won't be that much of a problem, but I prefer to use the controller that feels best with each genre or game. RPGs feel fine with anything. FPSs feel great with the Xbox's gun-like triggers. DMC games have just always felt like they were made for Sony's sytems (which they were for the most part). I can be mistaken sometimes, though. I played Viewtiful Joe on the GameCube and then bought the PS2 version hoping the controller wouldn't be worse for the game. Turns out, I found the PS2 controller easier to use in that game.
Anyway, is that review only in the magazine or can I find it online? I'm gonna look but if not, would you mind maybe typing it up or something? lol. I just don't wanna buy PSM. I really don't buy magazines as I can find most things on the web. But apparently sometimes magazines get reviews quicker so yeah.