Yep, it looks great. Anyways, got the hdmi cable, and the ps3 does look better than my 360 on my monitor, probably because of the digital connection over the vga. And I learned something too, usb flashdrives work with the PS3 :p Spent most of the night just checking out free themes I got off the net. Oh, and Odin Sphere is gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous, best looking game ever.
Yeah, I'm sure digital does look better than analog.
Another thing that pushed me into getting a 60GB PS3 is that I can finally play my PS2 games on a good screen and on something higher than composite. Even my SDTV isn't compatible with component. And my monitor only has a DVI and VGA port, so I couldn't hook the PS2 up to it. So seeing my PS2 games on my Samsung monitor will be awesome. I've seen the difference between Dragon Quest VIII on my composite and my cousin's component hookup an holy ****! It looks so much better on component. I didn't even know Dragon Quest VIII could look so **** sexy! I think having a PS3 that can play just about anything in the PS1/PS2 catalog will be sick. So many PS1 and PS2 games I've yet to try or own. And I bet Odin Sphere looks absolutely insane with digital clarity. The animation is supposed to be really good, too.
I wouldn't have much use for a Zune or iPod, so I don't know. :confused: Sorry.
Hey, there's a Lost Planet trailer on the PSN store. Pretty sweet, and they go through pretty much the whole story haha
I saw that on the interwebz. They do basically spoil it all. I wish they didn't. Now I won't be surprised.....[this is where you lawl]
But seriously, confirmed it for me: PS3 Lost Planet will pwn just because you can play as Frank West (which is just wearing Arthur's boxers I think?), MegaMan (would be cool if it was actually MegaMan, but I think it's Frank in his MegaMan costume), Joe (that dude is huge!), and umm...well, I know we get Luca (which even the PC users didn't get. BURN!) :D
And hulot, I think as far as Zunes go, $200 gets you either a small 8GB or a bigger 30GB. I guess it depends on whether someone just wants something that's easier to slip into their pockets and don't care about having a ton of space or if they really want a handheld media player.
I just remembered I have some credit at blockbuster.. i think im gonna go pick up the Playstation EYE for the ps3..
Oh and have you guys seen the pics of the Bionic commando remake for the PSN and XBL arcade?.. looks sick, I cant wait.. the original was my Fav NES game.
Oh and have you guys seen the pics of the Bionic commando remake for the PSN and XBL arcade?.. looks sick, I cant wait.. the original was my Fav NES game.
Yeah, saw that yesterday, now you can finally grab those bulletproof barrels :D Having finally had a taste of the PS3, I'm not sure if I should still be getting these cross platform arcade releases on the 360; free coop play is better than paid coop right?
And it looks like I overestimated the zune's premium model, it's 80 gb for $250. Do mp3 players go higher than 80gb at a decent price (below $300)?
And one more thing, all of you should download Undertow next week. It'll be free.
I was just recently looking into MP3/media players as well.. and the only ones Ive found that had a large enough capacity were the 160gb Ipod, and the Archos units.. but after looking into both of them, im still not really convinced it would be worth it (for my needs)... I already have a PSP.. and with the 16gb Pro duo around the corner.. i would rather just have one unit that does everything (crysis core is around the corner too :p ).
I figured.. when do I ever need to carry around THAT much music in one outing?.. I bring my notebook with me when I travel anyways.
oh and I will be buying Bionic Commando and pretty much anything else on the PS3... the only thing I will be buying for the 360 in the near future is Lost Odyssey..
oh and I will be buying Bionic Commando and pretty much anything else on the PS3... the only thing I will be buying for the 360 in the near future is Lost Odyssey..
Is know one getting Rocketmen on 360!?! haha Guess I'm going with the PS3 version if you guys don't go for it on the 360. I'll just have to order a mic. Saw one on newegg for $25 with shipping. Think I might get that since I'll need it for Lost Planet.
Play Asia has Dual Shock 3s too. Think I'll see if my wife will let me order that too... I told her $650 was my limit on the PS3... But I blew $725 the weekend I bought it :p Whoops... So getting her to approve things like a mic and a controller with rumble is... well, I'll try to work my magic. :D
I was just recently looking into MP3/media players as well.. and the only ones Ive found that had a large enough capacity were the 160gb Ipod, and the Archos units.. but after looking into both of them, im still not really convinced it would be worth it (for my needs)... I already have a PSP.. and with the 16gb Pro duo around the corner.. i would rather just have one unit that does everything (crysis core is around the corner too :p ).
I figured.. when do I ever need to carry around THAT much music in one outing?.. I bring my notebook with me when I travel anyways.
oh and I will be buying Bionic Commando and pretty much anything else on the PS3... the only thing I will be buying for the 360 in the near future is Lost Odyssey..
160GB?! MY GOD! I'd have trouble filling a freak'n 8GB, let alone a 160GB. An 8GB holds like what 2,000 songs? I dunno, but even 1,000 would be far more than I would need. You can just go home and swap songs off your computer. Also, I don't see my PSP being much of an MP3 player. If I put it in my pocket while still in it's sleeve, the buttons get pressed and then it messes with the FF and RW and stuff. lol. Plus, it's too big to be running around with in your pocket. I'm considering picking up a Zune sometime in the future. Maybe. I'm not dying for an MP3 player right now, though I do like to listen to music while I sleep. So umm...yeah, I'd like that 16GB Pro Duo, but I'm not shelling out $300 for something like that. If that's coming out, the 4GB versions should be lowering in price before long. My 2GB Sandisc isn't that bad, but I'd have to get ride of the 5 games on it to put Crysis Core on it.
I'm with you on the Bionic Commando thing. I REALLY am blown away by how good it looks. If that co-op is online, holy ****. And I also agree about the PS3 thing. I'm not buying anymore arcade games on the 360. Their user agreement BS is rediculous. How are you not gonna let me have full access to my stuff, which I paid for, just because I'm not connected to LIVE? That's just stupid. I'm sorry, but I'm starting to wonder where M$ gets its ideas from. Somehow, I always come back to Sony.
My first disc-based system was a Playstation, which I bought because the original Resident Evil (go Capcom!) just amazed me. Never seen a game like it. And games with voices? Crazy! Then I randomly picked up Final Fantasy VII because my cousin's dad was always talking about Final Fantasy on the SNES. So so sick...SUPER SICK STYLE! (DMC4 reference!). So many good games on the Playstation. Then the PS2 came out and I got that the Christmas after it was released somehow. Rocky start, but as time went on, it had so many great games (which I've still yet to play all I've wanted, hence the 60GB version). Then I, for some stupid reason, bought the hype of the Xbox and sold my PS2 on eBay to have money for one. To this day, I still only own 7 Xbox games for it. I had the Xbox since launch. Then I started having PS2 withdrawls (it can happen) and sold my Xbox to get another PS2. Now I got a 360 because it seemed M$ knew what it was doing. I learned about all the cool things LIVE could do and all that. I mean, PS2 couldn't compete with the Xbox's LIVE back in the day. You had to have a freak'n name for every game on the PS2. With the Xbox, it was just your GamerTag. But I grow tired of there being almost nothing but FPS games on the M$ systems. I really do. I'm really wanting to get back into those crazy japanese games. I miss the variety the Sony systems had. So I'm getting a PS3. Now, I'm not abandoning the 360 altogether, I just want more freedom in choice. If a game plays better on either system, I'll get it for that one. Hell, I may even get a Wii eventually. They just have to give me more reaons. So far, I only want Super Smash Bros. Brawl, RE4 (again), RE: Umbrella Chronicles (RE fan to the max...except for the live-action movies...please kill me), and...think that's it.
I'm really wanting to get back into those crazy japanese games. I miss the variety the Sony systems had. So I'm getting a PS3.
Unfortunately, I think this generation has practically stifled any prospects for quirky games, what with cost of development so high. One would think the Wii'd have some but that market is flooded with minigames and casual junk and I'd have to say, of the two high-end systems, we're more likely to see quirky japanese games on the 360. At least it's got something like Earth Defense Force, or even Senko No Ronde. PS3's got Folklore and that's already sort of pushing what it means to be a niche japanese game.
I don't really get the grief over the 360's FPS image. Sure the biggest games are but have you played EDF or Senko, and heck, it even has real-time strategy. PS3 is definitely the better hardware, especially in its multimedia capabilities and compatibility, but software at the moment is just not there and what is is an even less amount of variety in its library.
Anyways, wherever Atlus goes, I'll be. Playing Odin Sphere at the moment and realizing that there just isn't anything on the next-gen market that has this feeling of being a worthwhile and complete game that so many PS2 ones had. Right now, just crossing my fingers for Operation Darkness to come overseas for the 360. Hitler, werewolves, nazis, and mechs = win
Lucent thats why i create a playlist in Itunes, then dump that list onto the psp's Pro duo under a folder.. then you press play.. flick on the HOLD switch, and stick the PSP in your pocket. I dont really mess around with flipping thru songs.. esp when the mem stick only holds so much, so I just dump songs I want to hear. As for the size, i still have the phat PSP, and I dont mind the size at all, I carry it everywhere. Im really sick of the trend of smaller and smaller devices.. my new cell phone is too **** small, I sometimes have issues dialing numbers on with my meat hooks... we're all not 120 lbs skinny japanese doods with pencil fingers :p
So last night I updated my PSP firmware... Dumped some DViX movies onto my PS3.. and remotely turned on my PS3 with my PSP via WiFi, and streamed a movie to my psp...