I think the grapple is as fine, as it is. Grappinling to individuals seems a bit too much. I can imagine everyone using it as a sneak attack to get individuals. I agree. This game should be more based on shooting things and blowing stuff up. I do agree with the idea for grappling onto VS to paralyze them though. It would add an element of teamwork. Have everybody run in and grapple hook a VS and then bombard the it with gernades and artillery.
I too would like the ability to grapple in midair. However this would probably change the single player game, so capcom is not going to do it.
Imagine how much easier it would be to get to high spots? Grapple jump, then grapple to a higher point in midair. It would make many of the levels incredibly easy.
wouldent it be cool in trial point when u spawn on the top of the construction building with the crane u could grapple onto the beam then onto a pole and swing into the windows at the lobby? just a idea
Remember people, remember the balance; don't turn it into the shotgun of GoW.
Hell, I would have loved to be able to run then jump of the girder towards the skyscraper and shoot out the windows then land insdie the tower now that would have been a way to get those guys that love to camp @4 :D
even if it doesn't do damage and just holds them so u can shoot them. Or grapple them and jump off a roof or somtehing dragging themw ith you.